When I was in grade school, I was always fascinated by poetry, and by performance. In high school was intoxicated when I found out about the art of slam poetry: something that combines performance and poetry. Slam poetry is spoken word poetry, with its roots in the style of hip-hop music. Here are 11 poems to expose you to the world of slam, and make you think a little deeper.
1. Neil Hilborn & Ollie Schminkey - "One Color"
"My textbook hadn't described the way I wouldn't even try to fight."
We were taught how to protect ourselves, but not from the things we never expected.
May be triggering to some viewers.
2. Timothy DuWhite - "Here's The Scenario"
"If love, is the only thing you will ever be able to pull out of loss, then amen. Then amen."
DuWhite lays down a situation we didn't expect to end with us changing.
3. Rudy Francisco "Scars/To the New Boyfriend"
"Love is clumsy, and my heart refuses to wear a helmet."
To the ones with the broken heart, to the ones who saw them move on, right on Facebook.
4. Sarah Kay - "The Type"
"Being loved is not the same thing as loving."
Girls, let yourselves be loved, but remember your worth.
5. Rudy Francisco - "A Lot Like You"
"Because aren’t we all unfinished? Don’t we all need a little editing?"
To the ones with love in their eyes, and hope in their hearts.
6. Sabrina Benaim - "Explaining My Depression to My Mother"
"Mom, my depression is a shapeshifter."
It's not that easy to understand what's below the skin, in the mind. It's even harder to explain it.
May be triggering to some viewers.
7. Doc Luben - "14 Lines from Love Letters or Suicide Notes"
"How do we forgive ourselves for all the things we did not become?"
Luben embraces us with a parallel between the broken hearted, and the ones with hearts hurting.
May be triggering to some viewers.
8. Hannah Johnson - I'm Still Really Glad I Broke Up With You
"I changed my name to freight train, just so I could keep up."
For those who are realizing their ex isn't all they cracked them up to be.
9. "Skinny" - Aisha Oxley
"I would keep eating them, and they wouldn't help me to gain weight; but she could keep saying dumb sh*t and that wouldn't help her to gain some intelligence."
Oxley brings us into her world, where one word was more than just a weight on her life.
May be triggering to some viewers.
10. Kevin Kantor - "People You May Know"
"Which is to say, no one comes running for young boys who cry rape."
Kantor recounts the time he'd rather leave behind, but Facebook brought back to light.
May be triggering to some viewers.
11. Edwin Bodney - "When a Boy Tells You He Loves You"
"He never meant a single word of any of it."
Remember, words aren't always promises; words aren't always said with the purest intentions.