We have all had those moments where we feel like our head is going to explode. So frustrated at a turn of events, stressed to the max and in desperate need of a mental break. It's in these moments where we wish we had some quick form of relief, something to cool us off a little and make us feel at peace with the world, even if only for a few minutes. Here are 11 simple things that make me feel at peace with the world, even if only for a few moments.
1. Driving With the Windows Down: I always forget how much better I feel when I'm driving across a long bridge with the wind blowing on my face, the smell of nature right outside my window while listening to a good song. It instantly relaxes me and makes me feel at ease. It's like the breeze blows away all your problems and stress away and it empties your mind a bit. It's especially great after a long, hard day at work.
2. Amazing Smells: The smell of fresh cut grass is one of my favorite smells. Leaves, grass, trees, the ocean or anything else natural smells amazing to me. Smelling it always reminds me of being outdoors and the tranquility of the woods, the beach. The silence and peacefulness of the natural world instantly puts me in a better mood. If I can't smell anything in it's natural form in the moment, candles or sprays that mimics those scents also suffice.
3. Eating Something Minty: I already love anything and everything mint but there is just something about eating a mint or chewing a piece of gum that makes me feel better in a moment of stress. The freshness of mint sending waves of relaxation through my body, especially the initial burst of minty flavor. It clears my mind a little too and makes it easier to think, allowing some of my stress to diminish.
4. Laying Flat on My Back With My Eyes Closed: This feels amazing especially when I'm having back pain. Laying there flat with my eyes closed shuts me out from the world for a little and calms me down. It kinda feels like my stress is being sucked out by the floor. It's a good time to let my mind wonder and think of random stuff, all the things that make me happy, that cheer me up.
5. Doodling: This is helpful at work when I need a break from thinking. Your mind needs to take a break from work every so often so you don't get burnt out. Whenever my mind can't take anymore thinking, I stop to take a breather and doodle stuff. Flowers, stick people, my name written really pretty, cute animals or whatever else my mind makes up. It let's my mind wonder away from work and it's super chill.
6. Organizing Something: Cleaning and organizing always makes me feel better no matter what. From super cleaning my room to just cleaning up a pile of mail, it all makes me feel so much better. It let's me have a little control over my life and that makes me feel like I have a grasp on something at least. It lifts a little stress from my life and I can go a little crazy while doing it.
7. Making a To-Do List: Another thing that makes me feel like I have parts of my life under control. Making a to-do list of stuff I want to accomplish allows me to stop obsessing over them in my mind and de-cluttering it a bit. That way instead of thinking about all the stuff I want to get done, I can just remember my to-do list and think of other stuff. Like I said, it gives me a little control.
8. Listening to Acoustic Songs: Music makes me feel better 100% of the time. But when I'm feeling stressed or frustrated, acoustic songs always calm me down. The soft songs are perfect for the type of mood and are always a perfect cure. Sometimes I even listen to an acoustic song while driving with the windows down.
9. Writing It All Down: Sometimes just letting everything out helps a lot too. Ranting to yourself through pen and paper. Saying whatever you want, letting yourself think, scream, swear through written words. Letting it all out, loosey goosey. It helps clear your mind a bit, maybe even relieve most of the stress you're feeling.
10. Brushing My Hair: This is a weird one but brushing my hair relaxing me so much. It's the feeling of the brush on my scalp or something--it's like a massage or something. It hits all of the nerves that instantly calm me. I don't know why but it's fantastically amazing plus you get soft pretty hair afterwards. A win-win situation.
11. Staring at the Ocean: This one isn't that simple unless you live near a beach but I love staring off into the ocean. My mind empties and all I think about is the sea and what lives in it and how big it is. All my stress releases and I boggle my mind with questions about the abyss of the ocean. It's just me and the big blue, at peace with each other.
Sometimes it's the simplest things in life that get you through.