You can't go a day around Austin without hearing someone compare it to Portland. The quirky, happening towns have a lot in common, and if you've been to the two, you can't help but make connections.
1. Keep Portland Weird vs. Keep Austin Weird
Nobody is quite positive which one came first, but both these towns claim this slogan as their own. At least they both can live up to the reputation.
2. Food
Both of these towns are all about food. Whether it’s food carts, ramen noodles, brunch spots or dessert delights, foodies can fill their hearts (and stomachs) with all the choices in Portland and Austin.
3. Music
Austin has a tiny leg up on Portland in this one being the “Live Music Capital of the World” and all, but Portland has it’s fair share of indie band performances around town.
4. Constantly changing weather
The forecast is...well nobody can really say for sure since it changes every five minutes. Either Austin is going from a foggy 43 degrees to a blue-skied 60 or Portland is going from hail to sunshine. Just be prepared for anything.
5. Street art
Graffiti is a thriving form of art throughout both of these metropolitan cities. Austin shows off with it’s famous Graffiti Park, while Portland boasts street artists all throughout the city.
6. Go green.
Both of these cities have a focus on renewable energy, LEED-certified buildings, recycling, water saving and all things good for the planet. Go green or get out.
7. Bridges
With two major bodies of water running through the heart of these cities, you will find bridges all over. Austin’s bridges separate the capital and downtown area from old-school South Congress street. Portland shows off with bridges of every style that connect the East side to downtown.
8. Capital Cities (almost)
Austin is the capital city of Texas which means the capitol building beams over the whole of downtown. Portland could more or less be considered the capital of Oregon, because nobody from outside the state knows any other town than that and most people already think Ptown is the state capital. The capital city of Oregon is actually Salem.
9. One-way streets
Whoever was in charge of these cities must have shared street designs, because the confusing one-way patterns almost mirror each other exactly. I guess they just didn’t want anyone to have an easy time while driving downtown.
10. Growing “millennial” population
Any Uber driver will complain about how many new youngsters are moving into these citites. There is an influx of young professionals coming into Portland and Austin to take advantage of career opportunities, crazy nightlife and (once again) all the amazing food.
11. Voodoo Doughnuts
Austin stole these from Portland, but now they both have it making them the perfect sister cities.