Do you find yourself watching hours upon hours of Grey's on Netflix? Have you ever questioned having an obsession with Grey's? Read these signs to find out if you are right about your obsession! And if you find out that you are obsessed, it's alright because many people are, including me.
Warning: Don't get mad if you spoil the show for yourself by reading these signs. I already warned you!
1. When washing your hands, you act like you are scrubbing in and occasionally act like you have the surgical gown and gloves on.
2. You have thought about becoming a surgeon or doctor at some point.
3. You can name what’s wrong with the patient before the doctor does, such as a pneumothorax or the need of an appendectomy.
4. You have watched every episode at least twice and continue to re-watch them.
5. You can name all the characters, even the ones they killed off and the order in which they were killed off.
6. Every time you think about the dead characters, you want to either cry or re-watch the episode that they were killed in, which will make you cry.
7. You have determined who your real person is, and you have told them multiple times that they are your person.
8. You forced your best friend and family members to watch just one episode of Grey’s and got them all hooked.
9. When an episode starts with a grime quote from Meredith, you know something bad is going to happen to her or one of her loved ones.
10. When you go back and watch Grey’s again, you notice that Meredith’s nightmare about Derek being in a car crash comes true, just in a different hospital!
11. Finally, you hope in the back of your mind that Derek is just going to come out of nowhere and has secretly been alive this entire time.