Well, it is time for my first listicle! I thought it was fitting, as I prepare to leave my hometown in a week. I may go to school in Spokane and love it, but this one is a homage to the CO (303), my people! See? Only people from Colorado will get that reference. Here we go!
1. When the other "mountains" just don't compare.
"The mountains shall bring peace to the people" Psalm 72:3. Wait, what mountains? Oh, those hills? How cute. No these are mountains. Observe this beautiful 14er. Simply majestic. "Oh, misty eye of the mountain below!" - Ed Sheeran, referring to Pikes Peak, probably.
2. When you have lungs of steel.
Do you want to know how to spot a Coloradan from a crowd? They're probably the one laughing when friends come to visit and get altitude sickness, minor headaches and can't breathe. Coloradans are immune to changes in the altitude. Don't you wish you had my superpower? This is me, laughing at you.
3. When the water anywhere else just isn't as good.
They say water is tasteless, but it's not. And Colorado's water is the best. Period.
4. When you know every word to OneRepublic's songs.
I'm not gonna apologize for this one (see what I did there?). Colorado doesn't have a big music scene, okay?
5. When you bleed orange & blue.
Raider hate on the regular! It feels good to be a World Champion.
6. When you know Red Rock's Amphitheater is the best concert venue in the United States.
I mean, really. Do I need to say more? No wonder it's most artists favorite place to play.
7. When "green" isn't referring to the color.
They don't call it the "Mile High City" for nothing, right? We can always count on Ri Ri to imply certain things we don't wish to say out loud...
8. When this isn't the weirdest thing to see In Denver.
9. When Patrick Roy returned to coach the Avs called for your happy dance.
Maybe they will be good now. *Cue music* Dance away, Carlton Banks!
10. When the Colorado Springs Olympic Training Center gives you a sense of pride.
Colorado breeds champions. That is all. #Rio2016
11. When you find amusement in the "welcome" sign.
Colorful indeed! Oh the irony!
So, there you have it, folks! 11 signs you're from Colorado! If anyone has suggestions or more signs, please comment below and share away! That's it for now; this is Josiah VanWingerden from the 719! Stay beautiful. ColoRADo!