As I write this, there are three assignments that I should definitely be working on. Yet I seem to be having a difficult time motivating myself to complete them. Now, this isn’t your typical procrastination; it’s more like I just don’t care about anything anymore. After three years of papers, midterms, group projects and weekly reading assignments, I am officially burnt out. No, more like fried. To a crisp.
So, for your reading pleasure, I have compiled a list of 10 ways to know you’re a senior. They say “misery loves company,” so I hope this makes you (or me) feel better. (And yes, I have actually had all of these thoughts.)
1. You find yourself wondering what would happen if you just didn’t get out of bed in the morning.
2. The thought of opening another textbook makes you die a little inside.
3. Your teacher assigns a 45-page article to read by next class, and without realizing it you shout out, "Ha! Good one! Wait, were you being serious?"

4. You have actually considered wearing these to class:
5. You begin to wonder if the amount of coffee you drink each day could kill you.
6. You can’t remember the last thing you cared about that didn’t involve an episode of "The Bachelor."
7. You tell yourself, "I'm just going to take a short break." (Famous last words.)
8. You would rather have a dental procedure than go to class. Honestly, the drilling would be more exciting.
9. The words “due date” have become negotiable.
10. You came up with this list way too quickly.
Stay strong, my fellow seniors, stay strong. We're almost there.