Your college roommates are the people you get to know the best, they are the people you see when you wake up and before you go to bed. They are the people who make you into the person you are, you pick up their habits and they pick up yours and after a while you start notice just how much of an influence you have on each other. You get to know their good qualities and their more annoying ones, and you probably pick up both. After months of living together, it is fairly easy to determine the things they do that no one else does, and more often than not it is because of wherever they are from.
Here are a few ways you know if your roommate is from Massachusetts.
Every time she asks you if you want to go to "Dunks" a small part of you dies.
And when you start saying it too you know there's a problem.
Speaking of "Dunks", she is the only person you know who gets iced coffee when there is snow on the ground.
You're both in winter coats and boots, freezing, and she's in line ordering a caramel iced coffee.
 Most of your arguments have consisted of yelling about bubblers and water fountains.
Where are the bubbles? Please tell me.
You don't understand why she is convinced it's called a rotary.
I don't care what your signs say. It's a circle...because it's shaped LIKE A CIRCLE.
You've started saying wicked...and you hate yourself for it.
Every time you catch yourself you curse her under your breath (and secretly smile).
Her accent starts to influence her nicknames for you.
And she even starts correcting you on it. "It's thumpah", not "Thumper."
She will fight anyone over anything.
She is a Masshole at heart, and it makes pushing her buttons that much more fun.
She judges you for your Wawa obsession.
It's not your fault that New England doesn't get that privilege.
She took you to "the cape" when you went to visit.
Like...the things super heroes wear?!
Every time she says the word Aunt you cringe a little.
And her response is always "she's a person not an insect."
You know that no matter what, you secretly love her and her annoying little habits.
Not that you would ever admit it.
Not that you would ever admit it.