Studying veterinary science is no easy task. There are so many jobs available from veterinary science like becoming a technician, veterinarian or even a researcher. At times this major has made me laugh, cry, scream, smile and the list goes on. Sometimes I am even laughing, crying and screaming at the same time. So for those looking to make veterinary science their major, check this list out - it's only the half of it.
1. You are sleep deprived.
I just tell people the dark circles under my eyes are a fashion statement. With so many medical words to memorize, techniques to perfect and anatomy to know like the back of your hand, sleep can be elusive. This isn't even factoring in doing non major related things like partying, hanging out with friends or just being a human being.
2. Gross things excite you.
We deal with blood, pus, feces, urine and other bodily fluids on a daily. After a while somethings get exciting. Like, "Did you see the parasite in that stool sample?" Or, "I cant believe how much pus came out of that abscess!"
3. You have so much patience.
You will need patience when it comes to the sick and scared animals you are treating. You will need patience when it comes to the angry and confused owners you are talking to. You will need patience when you fail, over and over again.
4. You question your major countless times but still stick with it.
I wanted to switch my major after I got my first anatomy test back. I also wanted to switch majors after I didn't do so well on my small animal care practical. If I gave up after every speed bump I would not be in this major anymore.
5. You spend hours in labs.
After a while I start to feel like a mad scientist running from lab to lab. Labs are where the real world meets your academics, and it is important to get your techniques down!
6. You try to adopt every animal you work with.
I am currently the proud dad of four mice, and yes they came from one of my school labs. It is hard not to grow attached to animals you work with for weeks. Although I know it's not feasible to adopt every animal I work with, a guy can still dream!
7. You get accused of playing with puppies all day long.
Awh, they are so cute. Reality check. Most of the animals we will work with are sick. Yes cute puppies will come in to get their shots, and we will ooh and aah at them. Besides that, we don't only work with dogs. We work with large animals like cows, goats and horses along with small animals.
8. You have all night study sessions and still feel unprepared.
I always promise myself I wont cram. Yet time after time I find my self studying at 4 a.m. with a bit of cheese dust from Cheetos stuck to the corner of my mouth.
9. You work with more dead animals than alive.
Its OK to hit the sciatic nerve of a cadaver. If you do that to a live animal you might potentially paralyze them. Practice makes perfect!
10. You love getting a new technique down.
It can be something as simple as a restraint, or something more challenging like learning how to use an anesthesia machine. Either way its great when you can finally perform a task with confidence.
11. You have a passion for helping animals.
Most of us are not in this major for money, or because we thought it would be easy. We chose this major because we have a love and passion for animals, we want to improve the world they live in.