Thanksgiving is upon us and you know what that means - fall semester of school is almost over! Woohoo! It's been a long semester and if you're anything like me, you are more than happy to see Thanksgiving break. I can't wait for the food, the football, and the family! In addition to that, I am so ready for a break from school. I need a break from the assignments, the papers, and the classes. In fact, I think I needed a break about two months ago! If you're feeling the sting of the last few days of the semester, here are 15 signs you are so done:
1. You don't care what you look like when you go to class.
2. You email your professors to double check how many absences you have.
3. You can't handle all the busy work assignments.
4. You would rather eat than do your homework.
You would seriously rather eat than go to class, too and that's why even when it's 11:40 a.m. and you have class at 12 p.m., you ninja it to your favorite lunch spot, swallow your favorite meal, and make it to class with one minute to spare.
5. You look for any excuse you can to put off doing your homework.
6. You would rather play with your dog than do anything related to school today.
7. You seriously can't even.
Me: "No...I can't even."
8. You start a countdown to the end of your semester on your phone.
9. You would rather watch Christmas movies.
10. When you kind of just wanna cry when you think about all that you have to do.
Like this kid.
10. You say "I am so done with this semester" like five times a day.
Seriously. Five times every day.