11 Signs You're Turning Into Your Parents | The Odyssey Online
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11 Signs You're Turning Into Your Parents

No one can be cool forever.

11 Signs You're Turning Into Your Parents

Hello. I'm Rachel, and I'm turning into my parents. Thousands of young adults like me are coming to the realization that they too are morphing into their respective fathers and mothers. Symptoms and signs of turning into your parents include:

1. Forgetting your loved ones' names.

"Hey, Becky. Come here. No, not you. I meant Lauren. Who are you? I need my daughter. You with the face, come here. You know who you are."

2. Rationalizing poor fashion choices.

Your argument that socks and sandals are making a comeback is very compelling, but that ill-advised fashion choice of yours will never be revived substantially. And those cargo shorts you wore last week? Burn those.

3. Devolving your sense of humor to the dismal level of dad jokes.

With every cringe-worthy pun you deliver, palms are colliding faces all over the world.

4. Not understanding the young kids of today.

Yes, you may only be two years older than some high school seniors, but those wicked high schoolers are really something else.

5. Becoming increasingly frustrated with various technologies despite having a cell phone since the seventh grade.

No one in existence has never not had an issue with a printer.

6. Accepting your worsening physicality.

Do you remember when the Dad Bod was trending in 2015? Well, that's now your reality.

7. Remembering high school fondly.

As you receive yet another Facebook friend request from another old classmate, you reminisce and think back to the days of silly school dances and puberty. Reality then slaps you in the face: "High school was only three years ago, you dumb-dumb!"

8. Humiliating your friends with the tricks your mother and father played on you when you were a wee lad.

"I'm sorry, Sarah. But you telling me to stop dancing while sporting this radically tucked-in shirt in the middle of this crowded sidewalk only pushes me to dance harder."

9. Growing more excited for the little things.

Various little things include: Jo-Ann Fabrics, taco night, eggs on sale, cute mugs and comfy yet practical shoes.

10. Mutating into the most passionate and loudest supporter.

As you cheer on your friend before he leaves to take his mid-term exam, you know it's not too long before you'll be cheering on your kid's pee-wee soccer team: "Go, Timmy! Get in their, son! Be aggressive. B-E aggressive!"

11. Caring more.

Like Molly Weasley, you care more.

For your siblings, friends, parents, strangers. You are starting to exhibit a matured sense of humility and compassion that you only learned from the best of the best: your parents.

Thanks, Mom and Dad. I guess you're not the worst parents to turn into.

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