When we were younger, considering your mom as your best friend was so embarrassing. Now we have grown up and realized that your mom is probably the coolest person ever and actually enjoy spending time with them. If you relate to all or any of these signs, then your mom is your best friend and there is nothing wrong with that.
1. You would rather spend a Friday night drinking wine with your mom than going out to the bars with your friends.
Sorry guys, I wish I could go out but I’m sick…
2. She is the first person you call when you do something right.
Mom! I adopted my first cat!
3. She is the only one who laughs at your joke.
You think you are super funny because your mom laughs at all your jokes but you tell those jokes to your friends and they don’t think the same.
4. You find yourself stealing her clothes or she steals yours.
“Oh sweet where did you get that cute shirt?” *smirk face*
5. You say the same thing at the exact same time.
Two minds think alike.
6. You choose getting brunch and drinking a mimosa with your mom than sleeping in from a late night out.
Is this what grown ups do? Should I look forward to this when I am older?
7. When you get home from college, your Snap story is always your mom and how excited you are to be back with her.
Snap stories will range from being reunited with your pets or having a Starbucks date with your mom.
8. She is your number one fan when it comes to any sporting events.
"Is your intramural volleyball game going to be televised? Or should I come and watch your game?"
9. Vacations turn into just you two traveling and leaving the rest of the family at home.
It is so much easier traveling with two people than the whole family and besides, your mom is the only person you really want to hang out with.
10. When you need constructive criticism, she is the first person you turn to.
Your mom is the only person who is allowed to tell you that you messed up without you getting mad at her.
11. When you need cheering up, your mom is the first person you go to.
You know that your mom is the only person who knows exactly what to say to cheer you up when you are feeling down.