You know the sensation all too well; instantly drawn to the infamous red and white logo that resembles an Omega sign (for all you sorority girls), and enter with the welcoming smell of the skin tight, luon clothing. Yes, you are a Lululemon-ite, and no, it is nothing to be ashamed of. But before you jump to conclusions and run to your bank account to check your balance, there were eleven crucial stages that got you to where you are today.
1. Seeing people at the gym and wondering why they all have little silver tags on their clothing.
Okay, admit it. When you were naive to the wonders of Lulu, you were very curious as to why they all had tags on the outside of their clothing. Admit it, you even tried to peel the tags off their clothing once or twice just to be courteous and save them from future embarrassment when they got home and realized they had a “tag” on their pants this whole time.
2. Driving past your first Lululemon store and being amazed that it's a real place.
You are driving to your favorite ice cream place and suddenly, a sign hits you like never before. It has no name, just that silly “omega” looking red and white icon. It is a large sign and every one is coming out with bags from the store so you decide to go in and check it out.
3. Entering a Lulu store for the first time and almost having a heart attack at the prices.
Walking into the clean smelling store, which is incredibly ironic for a store that encourages sweating. You notice all the slimming pants and beautiful tank tops. Gosh, they even have men’s active wear too! You pick up a pair of Groove Pants and notice the price tag is $98, and almost projectile vomit all over those sacred things. Instead, you call their bluff and quickly run out of the store.
4. Going back to the gym the next day, taking note of all the little silver tags.
Here they are again, and they are everywhere.
5. Returning to the same Lululemon store and making your first purchase.
Okay, so you gave in and purchased a solid black headband for a whopping $12. You decide that if there is any way possible you can be a part of the Lululemon pack on the elliptical, that you sure would find a way to do it.
6. Being amazed at how amazing the headband is.
Running 10 miles and having a headband not fall off?! No way! You are so amazed at how well a headband can stay on, it is reminiscently magical.
7. You go back to Lululemon the next day to buy another headband, but come out with a whole wardrobe.
Say goodbye to Nike, Under Armour and Athleta, as those clothes are shoved to the back of your closet while the Wunder Under Crops, Cool Racerbacks and Speed Shorts are neatly lined up in the front of your closet. These clothes have such a valuable place in your heart that you unfold and refold them every day just to ensure that no dust mites create a permanent residence in the luon.
8. You walk in to the gym, feeling on top of the world.
Because you are wearing some overpriced outfit just to sweat in, so why wouldn't you feel amazing?
9. Those little red manifesto bags start invading your life.
It seems like every day you accumulate a new little red bag. If it is a really good day you pick up a big red bag. Your convinced that even though you have a cold slice of pizza for lunch, that it is instantly skinny because it is in a Lululemon bag.
10. You slowly start to notice that you are wearing Lululemon to a few more places than just the gym.
What should I wear for work today? Lululemon. Going to New York? It’s always Lulu. Gosh, I am even going to wear custom Lululemon Boogie Shorts under my wedding dress, because honestly, what else would I wear?
11. You check your bank account/statement
It is slightly embarrassing that your bank account is down to pennies and your bank statement only states Lululemon. Those nine letters bring you so much joy, but also kill you at the same time. You then start to realize that the more you wear Lulu the more you workout so it becomes justifiable.
If you can relate to at least one (or if your like me, then all) of these stages of becoming a Lululemon addict then you have found company. The joy and pride you get from purchasing a new pair of crops or a Power Y Tank Top will never be replaced by anything. It is the fact that you are getting to look cute while working out and wearing clothes that have the label outside that make all the pain, sweat and tears all worth it.