Pets are the best things that a human can have! Pets make life better and bring a lot of joy.
1. Pets are funny.
After a hard day at school or work, there is nothing better than your pet doing something odd to make you laugh.
2. Pets make the owner smile.
Coming home and seeing your pet just brings a smile to your face, and it is almost like they smile back at you.
3. Pets are great stress relievers.
Pets are a great way to reduce stress. You are able to pet them, hold them, and watch them be the funny animals that they are.
4. Pets miss you when you are gone.
Pets have feelings, and they miss us when we are gone. It doesn't matter if you are gone for a few hours or away at college for a few months; pets miss us. It's a great feeling to come home and see them waiting.
5. Pets are a great way to connect with people.
Pets allow us to connect with others. People love talking about their pets, and when you find someone that either wants the same pets as you or has the same pet as you, the pet becomes the center of the conversation. You never know who you will meet.
6. The pictures.
Everyone has pictures of their pets. While away at college, just taking out a picture of your pet makes the day much better.
7. The exercise.
Some pets are really active, like dogs. Their need to be outside to walk or run allows the owner to be outside for a nice walk or a great game of fetch.
8. Being able to spoil them.
Going out to the local pet store to get your pet a new toy, outfit, tank or cage can be fun! Every owner wants their pet to be comfortable and to have fun.
9. They help us realize the good in us.
Pets help us see the good in us. We get to experience joy, happiness and amazement when we are with our pet. Having a pet, we see how animals think and feel, which makes us see the innocence in life.
10. Pets are great listeners.
When you need someone to talk to pets are great listeners. They will sit and listen to you no matter what, and it seems like they are interested in what you have to say.
11. Pets demonstrate love.
Pets love us unconditionally and they trust us. They love you for the little basic things like food and belly rubs, or for the that new toy. Pets love, and they teach us how to love.