How do you know when you've found the elusive "one?" After thorough investigation, there are 11 little things that he'll do that will show you how great he really is.
1. When you burp he burps back at you.
Nothing like a romantic belching contest to make your heart swoon.
2. He picks your nose for you.
Sometimes you just need a friend.
3. Ever had that itch you can't scratch?
Crisis: averted. With the one, he'll scratch anything.
4. He holds your hair when food starts going the wrong way.
Such a gentleman, regardless of the situation.
5. Nothing like a little flatulence to start your morning!
Ever wondered where that smell comes from? Wonder no longer!
6. He'll refuse to buy you tampons in the store.
Right when you really need them, he won't grab them for you.
7. He'll make you buy the protection.
Nothing like a grown man being nervous about buying protection.
8. He'll never open the door for you, or for anyone really.
Because he's the King, why would he do things peasants do?
9. He'll pull out your chair while you're in it to make you fall.
Gotta love falling straight onto your ass in front of a full restaurant!
10. Privacy has no boundaries.
This gem doesn't know why a door might be closed, or why you might be talking in hushed tones.
11. Ever heard the saying, "Rub some dirt in it"? He takes it quite literally.
Although this may have been a way to clean cuts back in the day, it is no longer a viable option, so please don't do this.
In reality, when you find the one, you know. He doesn't have to do flashy things, or constantly be catering to your needs. You have to know each other and accept him for his faults, and he has to accept you for yours. Don't get caught up in the lists about "the one" to compare yours to it, just live your life and be present with those that you love.