We have all been there: one pair of pants, a clean sock and a shirt that kind of smells like armpit away from pulling an Adam and Eve. Some of us get so busy with our everyday lives that we put our laundry on the back burner, but we owe it to our favorite pair of jeans to give them a pampering every once in a while. Here are a few signs that it is time to do your laundry:
1. Your "comfy" clothes consists of jeans and a tee shirt.
Your friends are asking why you aren't wearing a pair of leggings on your way to a long night in the library—it's because you don't have a clean pair. You have to settle for a more constricting textile.
2. This is the fourth day in a row you have re-worn the same pair of socks.
When you take your socks off, there is an immediate explosion of a wretched smell. Those socks can only absorb so much sweat.
3. You have to dig deep in the closet to find more clothing options.
It is like finding a needle in a haystack.
4. You end up borrowing your roommate's clothes.
When all hope is lost, a good roommate usually comes in clutch for extending your desperate laundry situation.
5. There is not a laundry basket big enough to fit all of the clothes you need to clean.
When the overflow of dirty clothes is so much that you may need to consider buying a new laundry basket to accommodate this situation.
6. You layer clothes specifically to hide a stain.
In order to hide that pizza stain on your favorite sweatshirt, you opt for the subtle but very fashionable scarf to hide your favorite Italian dish.
7. Thinking about doing your laundry looks something like this.
8. Finding change for the laundry machine is an all-day affair.
In a world where everything is paid for with plastic, finding spare change to use for the washing machine could be a difficult challenge.
9. You finally take the time to fix your laundry situation.
We do our best to fold and put away all of our clothes just like how Mom does it at home.
10. When your laundry is done, your wardrobe has completely changed.
With all the clean clothes added to your wardrobe, you feel like a new person!
11. Give it two weeks, and you are back to square one.
Like anything in life, even laundry has cycles. Two weeks go by, and you are back to having to deal with a laundry crisis!