If you grow up in a household as a child of a baseball fan, baseball becomes a large part of your life. It becomes your favorite way to spend time with the family. Whether it be watching on the television or going to actual games, there was nothing better than going to see your favorite team play with your family. Deep down, baseball will always be always be your favorite sport. Here are 11 signs that you grew up the child of a baseball fan.
1. When the games were on, you were glued to the TV.
If anyone tried to talk to you during the game, you would always respond with "HOLD ON!" and wait until commercial to talk. You don't want to miss an important play.
2. Things got loud in the house when the games were on.
Whether it was yelling at a miscalled play or cheering at a home run, it didn't take long for everyone in your house to get riled up. Your neighbors probably thought you were insane from all the noise.
3. You have a wide collection of team t-shirts and jerseys...
4. ...and foam fingers.
Whether you were five or 15, you always love getting brand new merchandise when you go to a game. There's something so satisfying about waving a foam finger five times the size of your actual hand in the air recklessly. Your T-Shirt draw is overflowing with T-Shirts and jerseys from your favorite team. You're most proud of the ones you caught from the T-shirt cannon.
5. You always get excited to meet your team's mascot.
When you were younger it was your life long dream to get a picture with the team mascot. Even now, as soon as you see the team mascot, you make a mad dash to run over and get a picture with them. Every. Single. Time.
6. Every time you got made fun of for liking a "bad team" your response was "it's because of my parents".
They raised me to like this team and that's not going to change. I will stick by our team no matter how good or how bad of a season they play.
7. You remember being at games since you were very little.
Your parents took you to your first game before you could even follow the game.You could recall the memories of being in the stands, wearing a glove that was almost bigger than your entire body, ready to catch a ball. Although you couldn't quite follow it yet, you were all about the endless food and loud screaming.
8. No matter how many extra innings there were, you always watch.
Even if it was past your bed time, you got to stay up late to watch the rest of the game. You may have been exhausted in school the next morning, but you couldn't just go to sleep not knowing how the game ended. You had to stay loyal through the whole game. If you were in the stands watching the game, you may had to pry your eyes open, but you were still there cheering your team on with your parent.
9. You collected baseball cards as a kid.
Baseball cards were the first things you collected. You had a nicely organized binder filled with hundreds of baseball cards. You still secretly keep them today. You worked really hard to collect so many and you want to hold onto them forever.
10. You were pushed at some point in your childhood to try baseball.
Although your parents said you can choose any sport you wanted to try, they secretly tried to push you towards doing baseball/softball. You were secretly okay with it because that's the only sport you wanted to play anyway.
11. You have long lasting memories that you will never forget.
Some of your most memorable memories came from going to games with your family. You always recall the funny moments that happened at games during your childhood. You could not think of any better way to spend bonding time with your mom or dad. To this day, you still love going to games with your parents. You are so happy that you are the child of baseball fan because you came to realize that it's the best sport out there.