Everybody knows who the “mom” of their friend group is. Some even know who the “dad” is. But have you ever stopped to think of who the “grandma” is? I have been dubbed as the grandmother of my friend group. Here are some ways to figure out who your grandma is.
1. You’re constantly complaining
It’s too hot. It’s too cold. It doesn’t have enough flavor. It’s too spicy. Usually the complaining is about food, but it could also be about things like the weather or the fact that nobody ever comes to visit you.
2. You always have something that hurts
Is it your knee or your ankle today?
3. You either have food or know where to get it
Let me just grab some granola out of my purse, dear.
4. You have strange hobbies
Knitting, mahjong, solitaire, gardening, bingo or bridge may be one of them.
5. You love going to bed early
How can your friends even go out when it’s dark? By the time it’s dark you’ll have been in bed for an hour.
6. You want to take care of everybody
If one of your friends isn’t feeling well, you try to remedy them as best you can, whether it be with ginger ale, a cough drop or cookies.
7. You love getting your friends gifts
I made you this blanket, sweetheart!
8. You’re bad with technology
What’s a Facebook?
9. You love to read
And you try to go to the library at least once a week.
10. You always refer to the past as “the good old days”
Back in my youth, everything was so much better…
11. You love all of your friends “equally”, but you actually have a favorite
As with grandchildren, you definitely have a favorite, but you keep it quiet.