Our 13-year-old selves never truly leave us. Middle school was a time of turmoil. We all tried to fit into some sort of niche and some of us...well, some of us were emo kids, whether we realized it or not. After all, emo wasn't just a genre or a style. Emo was a feeling.
Here's to knowing that it wasn't just a phase, Mom.
1. You're shocked when someone doesn't know all the lyrics to "I Write Sins Not Tragedies" by Panic! at the Disco.
"What do you mean this song wasn't vital to your entire childhood?"
Bonus points if you insist on using the exclamation point.
2. A certain "G" note on the piano immediately gets you excited.
(For those who don't understand: It's the opening note to "Welcome to the Black Parade" by My Chemical Romance.)
3. You've ever uttered the phrase "defend pop punk."
Not to be confused with Fall Out Boy's "Save Rock and Roll."
4. You joke about "Bring Me to Life" by Evanescence, but it secretly used to be your jam.
Hopefully I'm not alone on this one...
5. You're all too familiar with this image:
6. ...and this one.
7. You once had bangs that could cover at least one eye.
Or maybe you still do. No judgment here.
8. You were a Hot Topic frequenter.
And you were super embarrassed when your mom came into the store with you.
9. Finger-less gloves once seemed endlessly cool to you.
Goes best with: black skinny jeans, sour attitude.
10. You...experimented...with eyeliner.
11. Converse were the only type of shoe you'd wear.