Perhaps you’re like me and spend way too much time on Twitter. Don’t use Twitter? You should stop reading here.
As my dad likes to call the process of Tweeting “Twittering,” and Twitter itself, “Tweeter,” I can’t tell if he’s being serious, or just being a dink. After all, he does own a nice black t-shirt with “DINK” across it spelled in bold white scripted letters. Sometimes I think that after wearing that shirt so many times, the DINK figuratively and literally rubbed off on to me. I do find myself making snarky, sarcastic, and exaggerated comments on Twitter from time to time, or making arguments out of nothing. That isn’t to say that’s all that I do on Twitter, but it does happen. I guess you could say I’m a bit of a dink on Twitter. Here are eleven signs that you may be a dink on Twitter, or one of your friends is:
1. Starting Parody Accounts
If you’re unaware of what a parody account is, it’s simply an account that is of someone else, whether it be a friend or celebrity, and pokes fun at them. I do own up to having one, but luckily not many people know what it is.
2. Screenshotting
3. Always Starting Arguments
Basically, one has this great idea to argue with every person they possibly can on any topic that comes up. Whether it be politics or sports, their TL is like a warzone. It’s usually a pretty funny warzone (if that makes sense), because other people get overly flustered... or... #MadOnline.
4. Follow 100, Unfollow 100
It is a classic dink move by anyone trying to gain followers. Follow a bunch of people, and then unfollow them after some of them have unsuspectingly followed you back, thinking that you indeed actually cared about their Twitter. Sinister.
5. Posting Others’ Personal Info
I’ve seen it taken to the extremes with actual social security and financial information, but that doesn’t happen that often. Phone numbers? “Call 1-207-839-4796 for a good time!!” It’s a classic!
6. Stealing People’s Tweets
It’s an endless cycle of someone taking tweet X, and recycling it to be theirs. Example:
7. Retweeting Pornography When It’s Not Late At Night
Because nobody wants to see sex on the TL when they’re drinking a coffee at 11 AM. Or when they're scrolling through at the library. 2 AM? I guess that’s generally acceptable by the Twitter public. #LateNightThoughts, right?
8. Rumors
With the power of technology, a rumor can now be spread quicker than ever. And in the end, it’s almost always false – which leads to lots of angry people.
9. Making Controversial Tweets
This obviously had quite the backlash.
10. Making Sarcastic Comments
For the record, I don't hate puppies.
11. Making Really Controversial Comments
I know that I’m guilty of several of these, and if you use Twitter, I’m pretty sure you may be guilty of at least one too. Are you one of Twitter's finest dinks?