In a family where your the littlest, the third and last child of the family can be good yet can always have its down-sides. I can definitely say that and relate to that. Here are 11 signs that you know your the baby of the family the last born.
1. When your older sister had to wait until she was 16 to get her first phone but you already got your phone by 5th grade and being just 11 years old.
2. When you had the better sweet 16 birthday party!
3. When you need money so you be all "nicey nice" to your siblings so they will give you money that you need rather than asking the parents because you fear they will say no.
4. You're usually called the "trouble maker" !
5. When your siblings and parents give in and let you get what you want. You're as happy as this puppy is!
6. Annoying your siblings is one of the best things your good at! Like Megan annoyed her brothers, Drake & Josh!
7. If you didn't like a certain vegetable you weren't forced to eat it, if you did not like something that was made for dinner you could eat something else instead.
8. Your siblings are always watching out for you and always make sure no one is bullying you or making fun of you! Also if you get hurt or are sick they do whatever they can to put a smile on your face.
9.Sometimes you feel like you get less sympathy for being sick, hurt, or just having a bad day. But your parents say you get the same amount of sympathy your siblings do.
10. Usually, you're being blamed for something that you did not do!
11. Had a date to both Junior & Senior Prom and also got nice dresses for them that you actually picked out by yourself.