Awkward (adj.): causing or feeling embarrassment or inconvenience
Studies show that six out of every ten people struggle with being awkward in social situations. As an expert at being awkward, it is my job to help people recognize their own awkwardness. If you have been in the following situations, you are probably pretty awkward.
1. You know what you want to say, but you don't know how to say it.
"It's like.... uh.... you know.... well... You know what I'm trying to say, right?"
2. You think you're being funny, but no one else does.
Nothing is worse than telling a funny story and looking around to see people's reactions, only to be greeted with disgusted, confused faces.
3. You would think it would be hard to mess up a high five, but you make it look easy.
"Shoot, sorry. Can we try that again?"
4. Dancing isn't as easy as it looks, either.
Even when your friends try to show you how to do it, you still end up looking like a board.
5. You replay awkward situations in your head and feel embarrassed and awkward all over again.
"Did I really do that?!"
6. Your flirting skills are... well, let's just say they could use a little work.
Talking to attractive people is hard, okay?
7. You always point out when things are awkward.
Even if saying that the situation is awkward will make it more awkward, you say it anyway.
8. You aren't very good at hiding what you're really feeling.
People know when you're feeling annoyed, stressed, or anything else. When everyone else around you is faking being interested in Becky's story, things tend to get a little awkward when she notices how bored you look.
9. When you don't know what to do, odds are you'll make a dumb face.
When in doubt make a funny face... right?
10. You aren't very good at dealing with other people's emotions.
"Oh, God. No. Stop that."
11. Even with all of your awkwardness, your friends and family love you just the way you are.
Everyone needs a little awkwardness in their lives! Without it, life would be as interesting!
At the end of the day, it's important to remember that being awkward isn't the end of the world. It doesn't make you a bad person, unlovable, or unworthy of friends. Being awkward is a part of who you are--and it's great! Don't try to change for anyone.