With the hectic nature of college and all of its deadlines, its easy to forget to take care of ourselves. Too often I hear people claiming that they spent all night studying in the library or that they were so busy they "forgot" to eat. These behaviors are not healthy, nor should they be encouraged. While I understand that success is very important to myself and other college students, we can't allow our well-being to fall to the wayside for the possibility of a few extra points on an essay or exam. Here are eleven little reminders/things you can do to take care of yourself.
1. Drink lots of water!!
Dehydration can cause lots of headaches and fatigue, neither of which is helpful while studying. If you have a reusable water bottle make sure to keep it filled so you can keep yourself hydrated!
2. Take the time to eat
Whether you bring a study snack with you, order food straight to the library, or take a break and go to the dining hall, food is incredibly important. It's hard to focus on Econ when all you can think about is how hungry you are. Eating a balanced meal will give you the energy you need to keep working!
3. Vent your stress
Frustrated that you still can't get that calculus solution you've been trying to get for the past two hours? Try screaming into the void (literally or just use the website).
4. Organize what you have to do
I'm a huge fan of making to-do lists because I find crossing items off to be incredibly satisfying. It also helps you know where you stand on all of your work and keeps you nice and organized.
5. Invite friends to study with you
Studying in the library for hours on end can get really lonely. Even if you don't talk to them because you're sitting in the all quiet section, it can be nice to just have people physically present and near you. It can be really comforting and help to ease some anxiety!
6. Take study breaks
For the love of God, take a break once and a while, even if it's just ten minutes. Take that time to take some deep breaths, move around bit, and try to relax. You can start working again feeling a bit more rejuvenated.
7. Do little things to make your day better
Whether you wear your comfiest pants, take a shower, make yourself a cup of tea, or something else, any little action have a drastic effect in improving your mood. Remember that you are more important than your assignments.
Don't try to overwork yourself. There comes a point where you're not going to be any more productive and are simply just going to tire yourself out with no real gain. It's important to figure out what this point is for you.
9. Ask for help if you need it
It's not a sign of weakness to admit you need help. Whether you decide to go to office hours to talk to a profesor or even just talk to friends, asking for help can really ease some stress and take all the weight off of your shoulders.
You aren't a hero for pulling an all-nighter. If possible, try to space out work to avoid situations that make you sleep-deprived. You're just going to hurt yourself in the long run.
11. Treat yourself when it's all over
Yay you!! You got through whatever hellish week/work you had to do! It's time to treat yourself: sleep in, watch a movie, buy yourself something nice! Do something to make yourself feel a bit better!!