This past week saw the Republican National Convention begin and draw to a close. The four day event packed in so much controversy, it was hard to pick just eleven things to write about here today, as damn near everything that happened was horrifying in its own way.
Here are the top 11 scariest things about the Republican National Convention in 2016.
11. Everything About Ted Cruz
Why is this man so terrifying in everything that he does? Is it that he seems to believe whole-heartedly in what he says? Is it because of his disturbing rhetoric? Maybe because of the screen literally flickering behind him? Or is it maybe because of all those people he killed in the late 60's? The world may never know.
10. Rudy Giuliani's entire speech.
This man yelled at America for 16 minutes, espousing more of his typical rhetoric. This time espousing that cops don't care if you're black or white, or anything else, which has been proven false time and time again.
9. Trump on NATO
Trump provided everyone with another controversy over the week, essentially implying that, as president, he might not come to the military aid of NATO alliance members. It just goes to show how much foreign relations would crumble under a Trump presidency
8. Melania Trump steals her speech
It's been highly publicized, and there isn't much new to say about it. Melania Trump's speech, ( a speech she claimed to write with as little help as possible) stole heavily from a speech given by Michelle Obama at the 2008 DNC. Surely, this would be a huge mistake openly decried by the GOP.
7. The GOP's reaction to Melania Trump's speech
Oops. Well, I guess I was totally wrong. Almost everyone either denied it outright or completely ignored its significance.
Chris Christie exclaimed how 93 percent of the speech was original! Because high school teachers and college professors everywhere know that having 7 percent of your project be stolen is totally acceptable.
Other said the quotes were similar to "Twilight Sparkle," a character from My Little Pony and could have been thought up by anyone.
All of this led to an official apology from a writer with the campaign.
So we have campaign members saying nothing bad happened, others saying they were very common thoughts, and others saying they were sorry because it was their mistake. The whole thing is a huge mess.
6. "No Racism, No Hate" becomes controversial
There are no words for this. I have nothing. Look at this image.
Watch this video.
5. Laura Ingraham's Nazi Salute
Was it an accident? Probably.
Did she mean to wave? Probably.
Is it still scary as all hell to see this being done to an image of Trump? Absolutely.
4. "Lock her up! Lock her up!"
Typical hypocritical bashing of Hillary Clinton from the far right. The real scariness comes from the chanting crowd.
3. Steve King is a huge racist
Oh boy is he ever. He's said and done awful, terrible things in the past, but this just might take the cake. Saying at a panel that " [he'd] ask you to go back through history and figure out, where are these contributions that have been made by these other categories of people that you're talking about, where did any other subgroup of people contribute more to civilization?" in direct reference to white people being far superior.
2. Trump officially gets the nomination.
It's been a foregone conclusion for a while now, but it actually happened. The outcome that was a pipe dream just a year ago is now official. Trump is the official Republican nominee. He will contend for the White House. Uh oh.
1. Suspend the Second Amendment because of Black People
Your city is hosting the Republican National Convention. The parties stance on gun-rights is firm. Open carry is legal in your state, and hundreds if not thousands of members are expected to be carrying weapons of varying caliber. What do you do?
If you're Steven Loomis, absolutely nothing. They can carry their guns as much as they damn well please.
Wait, I forgot to mention one thing. The New Black Panthers are also going to show up, and have announced they will be open carrying as well during their peaceful protest.
Now what do you do?
If you're Steven Loomis, you change your tune real quick.
Loomis decided to demand that the governor suspend the 2nd amendment temporarily.
This is a shockingly blatant display of racism and hypocrisy and is by far the scariest thing I saw this week at the Republican National Convention.