Everyone has that one friend that you always spend time with. For the majority of us in college, that person might just be your roommate. You judge (or don't) each other all the time and just in general spend a lot of time laughing. But of course that's not all that roommates do. Here's a list of a few roommate goals that every roommate set should experience.
1. Hanging Out: You know how you tend to hang out with the people you live with? Well that's a thing. Ultimate roomie goals could always involve spending some much needed time with each other.
2. Adventures: Maybe you just want to go on a walk. Maybe you want to go to get some ice cream at 2 in the morning. Who knows?
3. Sick Days: They happen. Everyone gets sick. The question is, will you take care of each other when you get sick, or hide from each other. After all, you live together. Odds are, if one of you is sick, the other will be soon.
4. Real Talk: You take the time to sit down and really talk. You talk about the random stuff that happened in your day, your hopes and dreams, your heartbreaks and frustrations. You take the time to listen to understand and not just to respond. You've seen each other ugly cry, get beyond angry, and make jokes all at the same time. Real talk means taking the time to be real with each other.
5. Accountability: You keep each other accountable. Maybe you've set a goal for yourself, and your roommate is going to do everything in their power to help you reach that. Maybe that means changing certain patterns in your life. Maybe that means keeping you from talking to your ex, and you would do the exact same thing for them.
6. Share Stuff: You're not afraid to share clothes, shoes or jewelry with each other because you both know you'll always get it back. Sure, you may not have the same size, but that doesn't mean you can't borrow a piece of jewelry when your roommate just so happens to have the perfect necklace for that shirt you want to wear on a date.
7. Meal Buddy: Never fear, you'll never have to eat alone again (during college). You're roommate will always be there for you if you have no one to eat with. They won't make you sit by yourself in the dining commons.
8. Roomie Dates: Not only do you have real talk and adventures, you go out on random roomie dates. Just like any good friendship/relationship, you have to take the time to just have fun with only the two of you. That may mean going out to get ice cream or just sitting down and binge watching a new anime. You do you.
9. Homework Partners: You're a college student, so chances are, you have a lot of homework. Your roommate does too. The best part about that, is that you can have your very own homework party right in the comfort of your own room. You can work on your homework together and keep each other from procrastinating (too much).
10. Introvert Time: If you're like me and my roommate, you need that time to recharge. If you're lucky, that time will just so happen to be at the same time. You cold probably catch up that energy by spending time on your separate computers watching different shows on Netflix.
11. Nap Dates: Sometimes, you both just need to take a nap. At the same time. Best part about that, if your alarm doesn't wake you up, your roommate's might.
In no way does this list encompass all of them. By all means, every roommate set has different ways that they interact. But you know what? That's okay. You do you. Feel free to let me know in the comments some of the goals you and your roommie have.