I hate negative questions or remarks about my tattoos. I just like to have ink on my body—hush. I like tattoos, I wanted them from the time that I was 6 or 7 and first met someone with tattoos. Your questions are really more like nuisances than really anything that will keep me from either getting more tattoos or keeping the ones I already have. So here are 11 commonly asked questions and my responses to them.
1. You know that's permanent right?
Okay, for the most part, you're correct. They're permanent ink plugged into my skin. But I can 100 percent cover that just like the bags under my eyes, and there's about 100 doctors who have made their living off removing people's unwanted ink.
2. Did you really think about it?
No, I just happened to have $100+ that I decided would be perfect for these random shapes placed randomly onto my body. Yes, I thought about it, I saved and here we are.
3. What does it mean?
1. Not all tattoos have meanings. 2. Not all of my tattoos have meanings even if some of them do. 3. Maybe my tattoos meanings are kinda personal?
4. Do you have more? Do you have more planned?
Most people get one tattoo and then get lots more; it's pretty common. However sometimes people don't, and that's okay too.
5. When I was younger you had to be in jail to get tattoos.
Luckily for me I'm not in jail, and my tattoos aren't going to give me infections. How exciting.
6. How are you ever gonna get a job?
Tattoos probably are going to have something to do with my education and my interview abilities. Also I'm going to apply for jobs, so there's that too.
7. Did it hurt?
Yes. This is a very stupid question.
8. Where did you get that?
The back of a bus.
9. You're going to regret them.
I really like my tattoos, and in the case that I don't later on in life, I will probably be okay with some doctors running away with my ink or having to cover it up.
10. How much did it cost?
Personally, I find this question a little rude, unless we're actually talking about tattoos or you're going to tell me you are looking for a good artist, please don't ask.
11. What do your parents think?
They don't like them. But in general we don't agree on everything anyway, some of my relatives think that reverse racism is a real thing and they don't agree with pre-marital cohabitation. But I don't agree with either of those points. So what's the difference?