1. You do not need that many clothes.
Having just moved out of my dorm, those extra shirts and pants you never wore are going to be a lot more pain than they’re worth when you’re jamming them all into your suitcase. But above all, be aware of the fact that you will dip into the habit of wearing the same clothes…college doesn't change you that much.
2. Take more pictures than you need.
A dorm wall packed with memories and tokens of home is a happy dorm wall.
3. Buy a new workout ensemble.
I was so nervous walking into my college gym the first time that, I kid you not, I couldn’t figure out how to operate a simple treadmill. Everything about being a freshman is somewhat daunting, but the gym was one of the most intimidating places on campus to me. It seemed as though everyone knew exactly what they were doing- the perceived confidence oozed out of the room. But the truth is, everyone's just about as clueless as you may be. To boost yourself up a bit and make you excited to go to the gym, pull together a new outfit that makes you feel confident.
4. Take care of yourself.
You should never go into a relationship without fully loving and respecting yourself first, but the same is true for college: it will test you mentally and physically. Have the self-determination to know you can get past whatever roadblocks you encounter.
5. Leave your inhibitions at home.
Don’t talk yourself out of that camping trip because you don't have any previous outdoorsy experience. Maybe high school you wouldn’t go, but college you can be an entirely different being if you allow it to be.
6. Pay close attention to your temporary homes weather patterns.
We’ve clarified that I overpacked, but have I mentioned the fact that I brought all of my clod-weather boots to a warm weather campus? Not a good idea. Definitely not space effective, so please don't make this same mistake I did.
7. Be open minded.
This is self-explanatory and I’m sure you've heard it a million and one times, but this chapter of your life is for adventure and experiences. Don’t limit yourself.
8. Be self-dependent.
Don't call your parents in a crunch when you need your social security number. Always have it on hand and while you're at it, grab your health insurance card too.
9. Adopt healthy habits
Whether or not you live by the phrase, “My body is my temple,” you should treat yourself well. Fuel yourself with good nutrition and proper rest, release your stress and emotions in healthy ways, and think good thoughts but remember that perfection in any realm of life is a pointless feat.
10. Leave that bulky desk organizer at home.
Most of your pens will find a way into your backpack, and most of your post-its/flash cards will find a way to never be used.
11. Bring water bottles and coffee mugs!
First and foremost, the world doesn’t need more plastic strewn into its ocean, but secondly, warm beverages/hydration are always important.