When you look up the Main Line on Wikipedia, it says: The Main Line is an unofficial historical and socio-cultural region of suburban Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, along the former Main Line of the Pennsylvania Railroad, which runs northwest from downtown Philadelphia parallel to Lancaster Avenue (US Route 30).
To me and 666,000 other people, we just call it home. Having lived here for most of my life, I've come to realize that there are some pretty distinct things that set us apart from other places.
1. Knowing the train schedule before you knew how to do long division:
You were always surprised when people from different cities didn't take the train everywhere because you were doing it since birth. Plus, the mind blowing moment you realized why it's called the Main Line.
2. Going to the Devon Horse Show every Memorial Day weekend.
You were never actually watching the horses because you were too busy drinking a lemon through a straw while you gawk at the ladies in the big hats. And riding the Ferris wheel. And then riding the Ferris wheel again. And again.
3. The feeling of freedom when your parents finally let you go into the city by yourself.
You probably kept the ticket stubs and hung them up on your wall. And you definitely had to run through the terminal to catch the train more than once.
4. Seeing Range Rovers on a daily basis.
I mean sure, Range Rovers are great, but how can you ever find your car with the exact same make and model everywhere you turn? Especially in high school parking lots where it's just a sea of black RR's. Oh, and don't forget the insecurity you felt in your run-down 1998 Volvo. (At least you could find your car.)
5. Knowing how to pronounce all of the town names.
You can get unnecessarily annoyed when other people say it wrong. There is no 'pie' in Paoli, and Schuylkill is pronounced like school-kill.
6. King of Prussia Mall.
Need I say more? Any other mall feels like it's abandoned. Where's the other food courts? How do I get to the other part of the mall? What do you mean there's no other part of the mall? This is it?!
7. SEPTA on a Friday night.
Not only is it crowded as hell, but you're more than likely going to be squished up against the dude you sit next to in calculus.
8. "She's not a maid, she's a cleaning lady. She only comes twice a week."
Okay so maybe this one is a stereotype, but you do witness at least one special bonding moment between two people who realize they have the same cleaning lady.
9. Q102.
With Nik the web chick and Elvis Duran to make those morning drives more endurable. Even though the same song could get played enough times in an hour to make you want to destroy your radio. And before MIA or Firefly, you would die for tickets to Jingle Ball.
10. Handel's is always busy.
"Let's go to Handel's, it can't be that busy, it's November!" WRONG. There is always a line. Hey, at least it's long enough to read through their impressive amount of flavors.
11. Hometown pride.
Most of all, it's your hometown, and you love it in all of its rich, snobby, wonderful glory.