Living with mental illness can be miserable at times, but allow these few posts to make you smile or laugh about it. Sometimes that is all you can do in this situation.
1. When all you want to do is sleep:
2. Sometimes the feelings of lethargy are overwhelming
3. When your mind is just running through the same feelings all day
4. The general feeling of dread as your drudge through your twenties
5. Sometimes you try to convince yourself it is okay to take a break sometimes
6. The difficulty of attempting to explain your emotions to anyone who doesn't understand
7. This perfect explanation for the overwhelming feelings of introversion
8. When there aren't many options for answering questions about your general well-being
9. Procrastinating to the point of accepting that nothing is going to get done
10. No longer needing any other excuse than this one
11. And the reality of the little things that can drag you down
12. And sometimes your brain just acts like you deserve the struggle
13. You convince yourself that asking for help is a bad thing, that you shouldn't need help
14. And it seems like your brain is just trying to ruin your day
15. Then your friends have a hard time understanding all your intricacies
16. And then there are the people who believe they have all the answers to your problems because they read about depression once in a self-help magazine
17. So sometimes the only way to combat the stupid comments is to just respond with sarcasm, nature's easiest form of defense.
While these posts are sad, sometimes it can make you feel a little better to know that other people are feeling the same way you are. Some days are good, and some days aren't; and THAT IS OKAY.
Its okay not to be okay.
And just remember, no matter what, there will always be hours and hours of cute baby animal videos on the internet.