"Letterkenny" is a Canadian TV show about a town called Letterkenny. In Letterkenny, there are hicks, hockey players, Christians, and goths. "Letterkenny" is a comedy show aired on Sunday nights. For people who like to laugh, like hockey players, hicks, or goths, then they will love Letterkenny.
1. When your friends have a dumb idea they want you to be a part of.
Yeah, that is going to be a ...HARD NO! It is funnier to sit back and watch your friends fail when their dumb idea doesn't go right.
2. How your friends feel when you tell them their idea is dumb.
3. When you see that your friends went through with their dumb idea.
4. When you’re about to do your dumb idea.
Yeah! Yeah! YEAH, BROOOOOO!!!!! GO DO YOUR IDEA!!!! Go get your Katie and go through with your plan, what bad could come from it?
5. When someone brings you food.
Party like the goths! It's okay to act like one of the freaks because you are so happy you have food.
6. When you and your best friends do something awesome.
Go ahead, you are all awesome. Take that shot that Gail pours, ya. Hurry up and pour another round, pitter patter!
7. When you're so tired from sitting at work all day.
No matter if you sat at work all day or ice fished all day, it is exhausting. You need a nap.
8. When you get suckered into throwing/going to a big event you didn't want to.
Wait...what? Whose party is this for? You never had a birthday party before? What is going on?
9. When you realize it’s leg day.
Don't cry. It is okay. Even though you want to say, "F**k leg day, bro", you can never skip leg day, bro.
10. When you realize it’s Sunday.
Yassss it is finally Sunday! Sunday means it is "Letterkenny" day and a new episode is going to come out!
11. When your team actually wins.
Not too often that the Shamrocks actually win a game so go ahead and soak it all in!
I hope you are all as excited to watch "Letterkenny" as Gail. Even if your leg day is on a Sunday, it is okay because even if you skip leg day, you get to laugh later.
If anyone ever wants to force you to go to a party during Letterkenny, give them a hard no. I hope this makes you want to pitter patter right over to your TV or computer on Sunday nights.