We live in a world full of dead bodies. I mean, if you really think about it, there are thousands of bodies buried all over the world, meaning if there is ever a zombie apocalypse, there are going to be a lot of zombies and it won't be that easy to survive. However, if you are prepared when it happens, then your chances of survival increase tremendously. If you still aren't convinced, you should spend time making a zombie apocalypse survival plan. Here are 11 more reasons to consider.
1. If it happens, you're prepared
The worst possible thing that could happen to you in a zombie apocalypse is you die. If you have a plan in place, you can avoid that.2. You might be inspired to take survival courses
courses are a fun and important thing to consider, because they teach you how to
do things like build a shelter, start a fire, and find water. They are a helpful thing to know in life, anyway. You never know when you might get stranded or crash land somewhere and need to survive on your own.
3. If any disaster happens, you have a base
having a zombie apocalypse plan, you have a good place to start with survival
techniques (because you took the survival courses) and you will already have
safe places in your mind to go to in case of a disaster of some sort.
4. You won't be miserable if you're prepared
lot of movies and T.V. shows that are based in a zombie apocalypse have characters that are sad and upset. But if you're prepared, you can avoid
that. Make sure you fit books you love and GameBoys into your plan so
you aren't miserable and bored.
5. You'll find out who is useful and who is not
making your plan, you have to consider the fact that you can't save everybody, and
the people who you are saving will be put at risk if you take too many people
on. So you have to start thinking about people's skill sets while planning: your
best friend is great at hunting and turning buildings into fortresses; her
boyfriend, on the other hand, is good at beer pong. Sorry, boyfriend, you can't be
in our survival party.
6. If you survive to the cure you'll be remembered as a badass
making it through what seems to be a world completely destroyed until one day
people show up and start curing the zombie disease. While the
scientists were off in their cushy labs coming up with a cure, you were leading
a party of survivors through the war-torn streets of your city. If that doesn't
equal badass, I don’t know what does.
7. Your friends will worship you for saving them
the ones that made it through the usefulness test. But how could they not adore
you for being so prepared and saving them from certain death? They will have to
treat you the way the alien toys treat Mr. Potato Head in "Toy Story" after he saves them.
8. You get to do zombie research
can't plan your survival without any knowledge of the enemy. You now have to
watch as many zombie apocalypse movies as you can and play video games like "Left for Dead" to gain as much knowledge as you can on zombies and the types of
situations you'll face.
9. You'll realize you need an all-black leather wardrobe
watching these movies and playing those games, you will soon realize the coolest
characters wear all black and a lot of leather. These characters also either survive or go out in a stylish blaze of glory. Making a survival plan gives
you an excuse to go shopping for the coolest wardrobe ever.
10. It gives you something to talk about with new people
to find a conversation topic when meeting new people? Easy, just ask them if
they have a zombie apocalypse plan in place. If they are an intelligent,
rational person, their answer will be yes and boom, you now could talk for hours
comparing plans.
11. They are fun to make
all honesty, making a plan with friends or family is a really fun way to kill a
couple of hours. So go have fun trying to figure out how to survive when the zombie apocalype hits.