College and wine go together like peanut butter and jelly; they are better together than alone. Being an avid advocator for wine—especially red wine—I believe it is one of the major keys to success in college. Whether we drink to have a good night or to unwind from the stress of school, wine is a college student essential.
I whine, you whine, we all whine for wine. Here are 11 reasons as to why wine is essential in college.
1. Keeping it classy.
You can get a bit sassy while drinking it, but remain looking classy if done right. If not, it could be a long day/night for you.
2. It makes for a great halloween costume.
Why not wear what you were pre-gaming with or had to drink with your dinner?
3. It's socially acceptable to drink at any time of day, any day of the week.
You wouldn't be doing shots with your dinner, would you?
4. It's key to a successful girls night.
It is nice to just watch a movie with wine and snacks or have a spa night while sipping away.
5. Destress before or after an exam.
If you are in desperate need of a chill pill, just get yourself a glass.
6. It can be really cheap.
Being poor college students, we have to budget our money wisely. You can get more bang for your buck with a boxed wine. Plus, it won't leave you with a burning throat and the funny faces you make when trying to keep yourself together with cheap vodka.
7. Slapping the bag.
Who doesn't like to slap the bag? It is fun and a great way to get the night moving.
8. For those long nights.
Use a bag of wine as a pillow.
9. Health benefits.
Red wine is loaded with antioxidants and keeps the old ticker beating.
10. Alternative for a hair mask.
Rinsing hair with wine will inhibit hair fallout and leave hair silky and shiny!
11. Easy solution for a break out.
Red wine contains natural Alpha Hydroxy Acids, antiseptic, and anti-inflammatory properties; it clears up pores and fight against acne, preventing any future breakouts.