If you have a dog, you know exactly what I’m talking about. Your dog has been there when no one else was, and they seem to always know exactly what you need. They’re way cuter than anyone you’ve ever dated (sorry, boys) and always stay loyal. Your dog worships the ground you walk on and will never cheat on you! Here are some reasons why your dog is way better than any boyfriend you’ll ever have.
1. They’re always loyal
As we know, dogs are one of the most loyal animals on the planet. They’ll never do you wrong or leave you for another human. You are your dog’s #1 and that’s the way it should be.
2. You don’t have to meet their parents
You probably don’t even know who their parents are and neither do they! No more awkward first encounters of meeting your significant other’s parents and trying to get them to like you. From here on out, it’s just you and your lovely pup.
3. They never say “I don’t know” when you ask them where they want to eat
Your dog will literally eat out of the palm of your hand. They’re down for anything and probably have a few ideas of their own (like where you keep their treats). No more arguing pointlessly about what to eat and ending up going nowhere!
4. They never have to ask “Are you mad?” because they always just know
Dogs seem to have a sixth sense when it comes to emotion. They always know what you’re thinking even before you do. Even when I’m a little bit sad, my dogs come into my room to cheer me up and start licking my face. That’s more than any boyfriend has ever done for me!
5. Your dog doesn’t care what you look like
They never expect you to dress up when you go out or even wear makeup. You can look as gross as you want around your dog, because they’ll still think the world revolves around you.
6. They’ll never compare you to past girlfriends (or owners) because usually you’re their first one!
You don’t have a super hot ex-girlfriend to live up to, so your dog literally thinks you’re a freakin' princess. You’re the only person in their life, and it’s gonna stay that way as long as you both shall live.
7. They’re super photogenic
You can take as many Snapchats as you want of them, and they don’t care. They make cute faces and sniff your camera unlike a boyfriend who will tell you you’re annoying and swat your phone away. We just wanna show you some love, and a dog is way better at taking pics.
8. You don’t have to worry about what to get them for Christmas
They’ll love whatever you get them no matter what, whether it’s a chew toy or a bone. Shopping for your pup is so much less stressful than shopping for a boyfriend because you can literally do no wrong. Seriously.
9. Your friends love them
You don’t need to worry about having your best friend’s approval of them because they love them before even meeting them. Introducing your friends to a boyfriend can be rough especially if they don’t like him, but you know that your friends will always love your adorable puppy (unless they’re allergic, I guess).
10. They don’t get mad when you hang out with your friends instead of them
Your dog won’t care if you ditch them for a night out with the girls. They understand, unlike a boyfriend would, and wait for you at home like the loving puppy they should be.