Even though you have to get those credits somehow, summertime is the hardest time to do it. Facts.
1. Focusing is the hardest thing ever. You look out
the window and see birds, sun and people who are experiencing a sense of
freedom you can only dream about.
2. You have to learn the same amount of material in
five weeks versus a span of a few months if you were to take it during a fall or
spring semester. So much information, so little time.
3. Choices. You have to make endless choices.
Usually, they are never easy. Do you want to go to the beach and skip your chemistry class or be a good scholar and be in attendance? It’s tough.
4. Even if it’s online, your computer has to come everywhere with you because just when
you thought you could get your dose of Vitamin D laying out... WRONG. Ya best
learn to multitask and get your tan on while
reading chapter three.
5. You have to work extremely hard on your time
management skills. Of course you don’t want to miss out on that fourth of July
barbecue, but you have to make sure
your research paper is done, too. No time for procrastination! Definitely
speaking from personal experience here.
6. Most of the time you don’t know a singe soul in
your summer class. It makes it that much more difficult to push through and
knock it out. Having someone to occasionally chat with is more of a live saver
than you may be aware of.
7. You might have to skip out on a family vacation.
It just so happens that your people planned a fun getaway long before you decided
to pick up a last-minute class. Sorry, they’re
not sorry.
8. If you take a class at at different college, no
matter how hard you work, when that class transfers over, it won’t benefit your
GPA. Rude. Your A plus means nothing.
9. Jealousy and envious become two of your most-felt emotions. All you can do is be an onlooker in a crowd full of doers. One word for that -- ugh
10. Thought you were going to make bank this summer
working at the beach? Wrong. You better put those long hours on hold so you can
work on hitting the books.
11.You pay out of pocket. Yeah so in case you were
wondering, financial aid does not, I repeat,
does not cover summer classes. Hmm, maybe you should try to keep your summer
job working at the beach after all…
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