We all make them. Every year around New Years’ time, people are constantly looking for a New Year’s resolution. Some want to work out more, others want to volunteer more, and some just have some personal attributes or mental issues they want to work on. Most people make them, but most also forget about them. One month into the New Year and most are usually gone.
1. You’re too busy.
Some of us are seriously just way too busy to work out every day. It’s also so hard to try and find time to volunteer. I’m not a bad person I swear, I’m just on a binge on Netflix right now.
2. You're tired from working out.
You’re not used to working out so you made a resolution to work out, then you realized how hard it actually was and that it makes you super sore and tired. At least you have all those cute workout clothes for Christmas you can still wear.
3. You just kind of forgot.
What was my resolution again? To be nicer? Oops.
4. You realized that you liked the horrible attribute about yourself and didn’t want to change it.
I kind of like being aggressive and eating a lot.
5. You realized that having a gym membership is super pricey.
Some of those gyms are so expensive. I know I can’t afford that. Especially those who need a trainer or someone to help them, which can really add up in price.
6. You realized how hard saving money actually can be.
Being a shopaholic is a real issue. Sometimes it is just hard to stay away from the mall, especially if you need a new outfit.
7. You were only organized for a week.
So my chair with all my clothes on it is not considered organized?
8. You realized that you were broke.
So you can't travel more, go to the gym, or save money? That's OK.
9. You realized that making new habits is incredibly hard.
It takes about a month to learn a new habit, so if you made it through January congrats to you!
10. No willpower.
I am a weak human being that likes to eat and buy clothes.
11. You set your goals too high.
We all do it. We think we can just completely stop doing something or we think that we can do something and expect better of ourselves. Baby steps are best, or sometimes it’s better to reach low.