Cats: many do not like them, others love them. I, for one, love them, I feel like I am not the only one that loves them, though. In fact, I know I am not. Cats are needy, cuddly, quiet, and most importantly, beyond cute. So here's 11 reasons why cats are considered spiritual animals.
1. They like to eat all day.
2. They like to sleep all day.
3. They can cuddle like it's not tomorrow.
4.They go to the bathroom and then sleep again.
5. They can always comfort you no matter what.
6. They climb all over everything and make you constantly jealous.
7.They aren't afraid to meow and hiss when they want something.
8.They'll be your best friend.
9. They know when you're sick and will make you feel better.
10. They can love unconditionally.
11. They will always welcome you home after a long day.