Before I go any further, I just want to put out there that just because I like love cats, it does not mean I also do not like other cute and cuddly animals like dogs. I feel like this is a common misconception and I just wanted it to be clear that there is room in my heart for more than cats. Also, nothing against boys, it's just that...well.....cats are better. A lot better actually. And I have reasons why.
1. They're cats.
This pretty much sums my life up in one gif. It's an accurate representation of how I feel about cats and how I get when I am around them. I can't really say I've ever felt this way about a boy, soo...
2. They're super soft and fluffy
3. When they dig their claws into your skin you don't even care because it's like they're getting closer to your heart.
As we all know cats are finicky animals and they may or may not like you which is fine because I can relate to that. But when a cat lets me hold him, you bet I'm never letting go. And in that case I have to feel the pain love of his claws digging into my chest. This has happened to me once. But it was worth it. Always.
4. It's really cute when they cuddle and snuggle up against you
Look how cute they are *cries*. And I mean, I guess you could cuddle with a guy....I guess. But why would you do that if you had the option of cuddling with a cat?
5. Sometimes they may run away from you, but it's ok because they're just so cute.
I've had my fair share of cats run away from me, but I'm not mad. I kind of run away from people too, so I get it. But cats running away from me don't prevent me from going after them like..
6. Â They're so cute when they're sleeping
Just look at this. Can you really tell me this doesn't just melt your heart away? Would you really rather watch a boy sleep (which is low key creepy), or watch cute cats sleep? I know what I would rather do.
7. When they rub their face into you and when they purr while you pet them.
Ooooooooooooooooomg. I had this happen to me once and I almost cried. I was cat sitting and she kept rubbing her face into my knee. And then when I was petting her she would purr, and I would just be like, yes. You like me.
8. Watching them play is really cute.
I don't know what it is about string, but cat's really like playing with it. Like, they're really amused by it and it's fun to watch. I was cat sitting these two cats once, and one of the cats liked me but the other one didn't *sigh*. But as soon as I brought the string out to play with, the cat who didn't like me also played with it so that made me happy. Although she did stay far enough away from me so that I couldn't pet her. But that's ok.
9. You can have more than one.
This right here is my goal. Seriously. Now, could you have seven boyfriends? Well....maybe, I'm not sure. I don't know your life. But having seven cats would be a lot better.
Fun fact about me! I don't actually own any cats (sad face), but when I finally get a cat (or 20) all of them will be named after characters in The Lion King aka my favorite movie.
10. You can literally just Netflix and chill with them
Granted that they will probably leave and get bored, but there will be times where they will just sit and chill with you.
11. They're cats.
Need I really say more?