Growing up a third culture kid, there are many things I've been blessed to learn about in my short 19-years. Out of all my learnings, traveling has been the most enriching. Nothing is more satisfying than eating fried rice out of banana paper on the mountains of Toraja, Indonesia to sipping Gluhwein in the Christmas markets of small town Radstadt, Austria. Each country has something new to expand your mind. Each city having something to feed your soul. From the food, to the people, and most importantly, the new culture, here are 11 reasons why everyone should travel the world:
1.The food will blow your mind.
Every city has it's own famous dish, each unique in their own way. Whether it's something as simple as eating mango gelati on the streets of Venice, to eating large amounts of currywurst in Berlin, because it's just that good. Gaining weight has never tasted so fantastic.
2.You gain knowledge and respect by experiencing cultures other than your own.
When you spend a day watching how people function in a setting other than your own, you start to understand, it is OK to live differently. It is so rewarding to spend time living in a place that is so different from what you are used to every day. When you visit places like Indonesia and Bangkok, the face of poverty becomes very clear. Things like this teach you it's OK when you don't have the most expensive clothing because you have a bed to come home to every night. When you visit Amsterdam, you learn to break stereotypes. Not everyone smokes weed, not everyone who smokes weed is a loser, and no, the red light district really isn't that big of a deal (fun fact, it's actually across from a church).
3. Each country has its own scenery a picture can't justify.
Nature is such an amazing place once you just let yourself look around. From the frosted mountain caps along the European Alps to the bright blue water filling the Mediterranean Sea, it's like nothing you have ever seen before.
4. You learn new languages.
There's nothing more satisfying than coming back home and throwing a few words around to you friends and family and seeing the looks on their faces. It could be as simplistic as learning hello, goodbye, thank you, or you're welcome. Also, it's just a breathe of fresh air to hear a language other than your native language. From the fluency of French and Italian to the not-so-rough German as everyone seems to think it is, languages are full of surprises! You'd be surprised as to how many people will try to impress you with their bits and pieces of English.
5. You learn to adapt.
Since you are going somewhere other than home, of course it is going to be different. But it's a good type of different. You learn riding a bike to the store is actually very refreshing. The metro system is your friend, it's cheap; utilize it. And of course, adapting to becoming an extremely good charades player because not everyone will speak your native tongue. But a few hand motions and signaling to maps later, you'll figure it out.
6. Traveling gives you confidence.
If you can get yourself to travel across the world not knowing the language, the city, the people, you can pretty much do anything. Social shyness becomes a thing of the past because you have to learn how to talk to people. Even if they don't understand, you tried, and that's what counts.
7. It gives you time to refocus.
Traveling gives you time to take a step away from your busy schedules and just relax. It gives you a break from your hectic life to appreciate the little things and to stop worrying so much.
8. Broaden your sense of adventure.
When you spend the time to fulfill that curious soul of yours, you'll find you will never want to stop. Even if it is to a neighboring city or traveling across the world, new adventure awaits and there is always time for it!
9. To learn how to dream better than you ever knew how.
When you get to travel the world, you taste it. And by this, I don't only mean the food but the actual world. You start to see how the air reaches your lungs differently, how each dish will speak to your taste buds in different ways, how the people will teach you how to live differently, and most of all, you find what makes you happy. You start to live the way you've always dreamt of.
10. To tell people they should travel, too.
Once you get the chance to understand why it's so important, you will want to motivate people to find the time to do it and not make excuses. Life is short, live while you can.
11. Lastly, because you can.
If you are able to afford it and have the time...well, why wouldn't you go? It's an amazing experience and think about all the cool stories and memories you'll get to bring back home. Just do it, it is most definitely worth it.