Birthright, for those who don’t know, is a trip designed for young Jewish adults between the ages of 18 and 26 to visit Israel. For some, it’s the only time and opportunity that they will have to explore the Holy Land. However, birthright is so much more than a trip to Israel. It’s about gaining new experiences and stepping out of your comfort zone. Still not convinced? Here are 11 reasons as to why you should go on birthright.
Special shoutout to Amazing Israel bus 893: June 26-July 7, 2016!
1. The most obvious: A free trip to Israel.
Because when else are you going to have the opportunity to travel to a foreign country for free?
2. It’s an endless game of "Jewography."
I can promise you that at least one person on your bus will know your roommate’s cousin’s mom’s friend.
3. The Dead Sea.
Your skin will thank you! As for your hair, not so much.
4. Connecting with your Jewish heritage.
I’m not religious at all, but spending Shabbat in Jerusalem and sticking a prayer in the Western Wall were very moving experiences
5. Camping out in the Bedouin tents.
What I thought was going to be the worst part of the trip ended up being one of the highlights. Make sure to look up at the stars!
6. Hanging out with the Israeli soldiers.
Seriously, the Israeli soldiers were so cool! I wish they could’ve spent the whole 10 days with us.
7. The food!
Falafel, schnitzel, or shawarma? Oh, and don’t forget the hummus!
8. The bus rides!
You spend hours at a time driving from place to place, so naturally the bus is either used for nap time or social hour.
9. Masada.
Yes, you will “kvetch” and “schvitz” (complain and sweat), but I promise the view is worth it and unlike anything you’ve ever seen before.
10. The Instagram photos.
Because no birthright journey is complete without at #HumpDay picture from camel riding in the Negev.
11. A new mishpacha (family).
The people you travel with really do become your family. It’s so hard to imagine that at the beginning of your trip, the people you traveled with were complete strangers because you’ve made inside jokes and memories that will truly last a lifetime.