Here are 11 reason why you will (or should) fall in love with this amazing meatball (or should I say Dorito?), Chris Evans.
1. His long eyelashes.
They’re so long and pretty. They cast lovely shadow over his cheekbones and they make you wonder: "How are they even real?" They’re at least two inches of perfection. How do eyelashes like that exist? I wish my eyelashes looked like that, but alas, I shall just admire his. Clearly, Evans is blessed by the eyelash gods.
2. His acting.
He’s wonderfully versatile, but to be more specific, I adore the way he plays Steve Rogers, a.k.a. Captain America. Evans really gets Rogers' morality but also his complexity. He knows what Steve is all about and understands what he fights for, as well as why he fights for it. (Please do watch his other films such as "Snowpiercer," "Iceman," "Scott Pilgrim," "Puncture" ... the list goes on -- IMDB him!)
3. His candidness.
He’s so wonderfully open about dealing with anxiety. He doesn’t shy away from detailing his anxiety and his struggles with it. He doesn’t have to be so candid, but I know how helpful it can be for someone to hear about another person battling with the same disorder, especially a well-established actor.
4. His laugh.
His laugh is so wonderfully boisterous and all-encompassing. You almost want to laugh with him (and, most of the time, you do!). It’s just so majestic to watch; his whole body is thrown into it. It's so charming.
5. The (Left) Boob Grab.
One of my absolute favorite things Chris does. Whenever he laughs, especially very hard, he has the tendency to grab his left boob and/or the left boobs of others nearest to him. However, since he is a gentleman, he does not do this to ladies; he substitutes the grab for grabbing his own left boob instead, or grabbing their shoulders.
6. His love for his family.
You can tell he loves his family by the way he talks about them, as well as their endless red carpet appearances with him. This is the same guy who excitedly told his mom that he lost his virginity right after he lost it (learned from "The View" interview he did with Chris Hemsworth -- it's a very fun interview, do watch it!).
US Magazine
7. His shoulder-to-waist ratio.
I didn’t get why people were calling him Dorito until I looked at a picture of his torso. That shoulder-to-waist ratio is no joke. It’s too hilarious and beautiful not to notice. He is blessed with a tiny waist and broad shoulders (actually, let's be real, his body in general is a gift). If you want to have a bit of fun, take a Dorito and align it to his upper body/torso from shoulder to waist and have your mind blown.
8. His sense of humor.
He’s so funny and cheeky. He makes inappropriate jokes, but can also be dorky and ridiculous. I always find myself smiling or chuckling when watching a Chris Evans interview.
9. His love for the Boston/Bostonian accent.
There is no denying that Chris Evans is from Boston. He is a man that’s not afraid to let you know that he’s from Boston (although he can’t really hide his accent, even if he tries). It’s really cute how passionate he gets about Boston. Gotta love the hometown pride!
10. His beard.
Never has a man made a beard look so manly yet adorable. Evans with a beard is like a toss between hot soccer dad and hot lumberjack. He not only pulls off his beard well, he clearly knows how to groom it. I must say, sometimes I prefer it more than his clean-shaven look.
11. His good heart.
He’s no stranger to giving and partaking in charity. In particular, he has a charity in Boston called Christopher’s Haven, to which he donates not only his money, but his time. Also, he turned his friendly Super Bowl competition with Chris Pratt into a worthy bet. The bet stated that the person whose team won the Super Bowl had to dress up as their respective Marvel character to visit (and donate) to a charity of their choice. Even though Evans won the bet, he still visited Pratt's charity dressed as Captain America. This man is a real-life superhero.
These are just 11 reasons I decided to choose out of the many that exist. Chris Evans is just a wonderful human being, inside and out, and it doesn't hurt that he's handsome too. So, people of the world, I hope you get to fall in love with this guy as much as I have and make your own list!