Those who don't drink will never understand the bond between a coffee lover and a cup of coffee. It is one of our favorite things in the world and most of us don't know what we would do with out it. So than you coffee...
1. For being there for me when I wake up.
Every morning my Keurig is set to make a cup of coffee for when I wake up. It is there to hold my morning together even when I am a mess.
2. For being comforting
The smell of warm coffee in the air is one of the most comforting things. It's warm and inviting. It is almost like being wrapped in a warm blanket.
3. For getting me through my crazy schedule.
My days are crazy. I work two jobs, take too many classes, go to the gym everyday, do homework, and am involved in way too much. Coffee gives me the energy to get through my busy 5 am to 11 pm day.
4. For keeping me warm.
Whether it is in a cold class room or walking across campus to get to class, I can always wrap my fingers around my coffee cup to keep them warm.
5. For being there any time of the year.
The nice thing about coffee is I can drink it any time of year. I can drink hot coffee during the bitter winter, iced coffee in the blazing summer, and both in the spring and fall. No matter what time of year it is, coffee is always available.
6. For being my breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
With my crazy schedule, sometimes coffee is all I have time for when I attempt to get food.
7. For getting me to study.
My go-to places to study are either a coffee shop or the library (which has a coffee bar inside). That is usually my motivation to actually go and study.
8. For bringing people together.
Often times when friends and I go hand out to chat and catch up, a coffee shop is our place to go.
9. For introducing me to new flavors.
There are times where, when I go to get coffee, I am feeling bold and like I want to try something new. Luckily, coffee comes in many different flavors for those moments.
10. For being there when my thoughts are everywhere.
Whether I am having a bad day, reflecting my life, or smiling at the simple beautiful things around me, coffee is there for those life moments.
11. For being consistent.
No matter where I am or what I'm doing, coffee is always available. Though flavors may change, coffee will forever stay the same.