Attention, attention. I have a new obsession and it’s called "Stranger Things." You might have heard about the show seeing as the recent Netflix series has been taking the media by storm. It’s an eight-episode-long series that has taken over my life and I highly recommend that you let it take over your life, too. So, here are 11 reasons as to why you should watch "Stranger Things."
1. The theme song.
Listen, theme songs are so important. In some cases they can make or break a show. You want a theme song that hypes you up, not makes you groan consistently because you can’t get the darn tune out of your head. The theme song for "Stranger Things" is simple, but it’s perfect. It sets the tone of the show. There’s no lyrics, but that doesn’t mean you can’t hum along.
2. Winona Ryder is back!
My '90s queen Winona Ryder has come back to bless us with her acting. No she’s not like her character in "Heathers" nor does she act like Jo March from "Little Women," but she puts everything she’s got into her role as Joyce Byers.
3. Rotten Tomatoes gave it a 94-percent.
I know, I know. A high rating doesn’t necessarily mean that you will like it. However, it might give you more of an incentive to watch it, right? Right?!
4. It pays homage to other films.
For those of you who love "The Goonies," "E.T.," "Stand By Me" or "Super 8," "Stranger Things" is really up your alley. There’s a lot of similarities that not only make you appreciate the movies I listed above, but also appreciate the show’s interpretation of them. There’s also parallels to the film "Under The Skin." If you’ve watched that movie and then watch "Stranger Things," you’ll quickly pick up on what I’m talking about.
5. The focus on friendship.
As much as I love romance (and trust me I’ll get to the romance in this show), platonic relationships will always get my attention. The importance of friendship is huge in "Stranger Things." The characters Mike, Dustin, Lucas, Will and Eleven remind you what the meaning of friendship is and how far you will go to protect and care for your best friend(s).
6. This show might scare you.
This may not sound like a positive factor, but it can be. As someone who always has their hands over their eyes whenever they watch a horror film, I was able to survive "Stranger Things." You might experience moments of terror, but the show balances it out with occasional comedic release and heart-breaking scenes.
7. The music.
I talked about the theme song, but I have yet to talk about the awesome songs that the show uses. From "Should I Stay or Should I Go” to “Heroes”, "Stranger Things" sets its scenes with '80s tunes that will make you feel all sorts of emotions.
8. The kid actors.
It’s not unusual for shows to cast actors that are older than their character’s age. However, "Stranger Things" casted actors who were actually their characters’ age, or at least close to it. Finn Wolfhard, Millie Bobby Brown, Gaten Matarazzo, Caleb McLaughlin and Noah Schnapp will blow you away with how well they take on their roles. They’ll make you laugh and they'll make you cry. You watch them go through terrifying, life threatening situations all the while maintaining the perspective of a 12-year-old kid.
9. A well done love triangle.
A love triangle is a trope we see often in books and films. They can get annoying or come across as really repetitive. "Stranger Things" presents you with a love triangle that you find yourself managing to handle. Both of the boys, Jonathan and Steve, might make you cringe with some of their actions. However, they both have moments where you can see why the girl, Nancy Wheeler, likes them. The characters have amazing chemistry and you might find yourself picking a side. Or you might think Nancy Wheeler is too good for either them. (I mean, she is one tough, independent gal).
10. Barb.
I don’t want to spoil much, but watch the show for Barb. Once you watch "Stranger Things," you’ll think of this part of the article and understand. Do it for Barb. She deserves a lot, OK?
11. Eleven.
If you’re not going to watch for Barb, please watch for Eleven. Millie Bobby Brown presents you with a character that you can’t help but love. Eleven is heavily focused on in "Stranger Things" seeing as she’s the one that pretty much brings everyone together. She simultaneously kicks butt and melts your heart. Eleven deals with mature situations and isn’t a stranger to death, but at the same time she’s just a kid who worries about her appearance and craves friendship. She’s a character that you’ll want to protect and she’ll remind you to appreciate your friends, family and the normal, simple aspects of life.