11 Reasons You Need To Shop At Trader Joes
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11 Reasons You Need To Shop At Trader Joes

This is the food store that will change your life for these reasons.

11 Reasons You Need To Shop At Trader Joes
Google Images

Any store that offers hundreds of food items is my kind of place. However, Trader Joe's somehow kicks the food store game up a notch (more like several). If you’ve never been to a Trader Joe's, you are probably missing a part of your soul that you didn’t know existed. Everyone should shop at Trader Joe's and here’s why:

1. It is cheap

The big brand-name stores are incredibly overpriced simply because they have a brand name on their packaging. Trader Joe's supplies exclusively Trader Joe's brand products from their supplier so there are no unnecessary additional markups. There are no gimmicky store rewards cards or loyalty points, simply because you don’t need them. You'll be rich with all the money you save shopping at TJ's.

2. They make meals simple

Trader Joe's has so many delicious frozen dinner entrees, fancy frozen pizzas, every kind veggie burger you can imagine, pre-made salads, meal kits, and cut up fruit. They offer full ethnic cuisine meals (like fried rice, Asian chicken dishes, and all sorts of other new and exciting dinner entrees) so your options are endless.

3. They use the best bags

They pack your groceries in sturdy large brown bags. Forget the days of balancing 17 plastic bags on each arm so you only have to take one trip from the car to your kitchen. While it may sound trivial, these bags are a total game changer.

4. Their food is healthy

Their food is made from all natural ingredients, so say goodbye to all of those added chemicals and questionable ingredients. Even if you’re not super health conscious, their food tastes REALLY GOOD. Even my picky guy friends love my quinoa veggie tortilla chips…so that’s when you know.

5. Their store is well designed

Trader Joe's has everything you'll need but is small enough to not feel overwhelmed. Sometimes less is better. Nobody wants to be going down so many different aisles to find what you came for. It also helps save time when there aren’t 40 different brands of yogurt to choose from (that is a slight exaggeration, but go with it).

6. Their store is compatible for all diets

Their website even breaks down items by gluten-free, Vegan, and Kosher diets so those with restrictions can go into the store knowing exactly which products are fair game. Talk about taking the grocery list to the next level. They basically do the work for you.

7. They have dark chocolate peanut butter cups

These delicacies put Reese’s to shame. The dark chocolate that melts in your mouth is the perfect snack after a delicious Trader Joe's meal. I could eat an entire box in one sitting (not that I have or anything….).

8. Their checkout system makes you feel like royalty

When your cart gets its own line at the checkout, you know you’re in a special place. The cashiers are all so friendly and as an added bonus, they wear Hawaiian shirts. They unload every item on their side of the register while you just watch and think about all the awesome food you’re going home with. Here’s where those awesome brown bags come into play too, btw.

9. They have cookie butter

Nothing further, your honor.

10. They give out free samples

And not just boring old samples. Somehow every time I leave the store, I buy the sample they were offering in the store. Maybe it’s something about being in those cute little white sample cups, or maybe they just always pick the best items, but I have yet to be disappointed. Also, word on the street is that the employees will open any package on the shelf to let you try a food...so I know what I'm doing next Sunday.

11. They have a hidden stuffed animal in their stores

As if Trader Joe's wasn’t already the most exciting part of my week, they have a hidden stuffed animal around every store. If you find it, you get a treat at the register. While this may be geared toward young kids who have been dragged along to the food store with their parents, you can bet your bottom dollar that I am going to be hunting that thing down like it's my job.

So if you aren't picking up your car keys right now to head to the closest Trader Joe's, then you probably need to reevaluate your current priorities. I bet you one jar of cookie butter that you'll be a happier person if you shop at Trader Joe's.

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