While many high school and college kids are fighting to stay alive during finals season, I tend to find myself lacking the normal stress levels of a college student. Why am I strangely in love with finals week? Here are 11 reasons why I secretly love finals week.
1. No class
First, when it comes to finals week, all our classes are over. That means, no more waking up for your 8 a.m., no more small assignments that get in the way and there is only one last assignment or test for this class so if you end up failing, you’ll never have to see that professor again.
2. Coffee
Who doesn’t love coffee? Especially during this time of year when the weather is chilly and all you want to do is stay in bed, finals are a great excuse to "Gilmore Girls" it. Yes, I’m talking three cups of coffee every hour — you might as well give me an IV.
3. Snacking
Most likely the only time that it is socially acceptable to binge eat. Pringles, cheese, flaming hot Cheetos, chocolate, you name it. Constant snacking is one of my favorite highlights of finals week. Feel you have no time for a real meal? No problems here.
4. Sleeping in the library
I mean, I do this daily. However, for those who only visit the library during finals week, yes, it is socially acceptable to sleep in the library. In fact, sleeping in the library — or anywhere you can — is encouraged. Space is limited in the library and everybody needs their power naps.
5. Alone time
Studying alone can be a great time to get things done. Try taking a few minutes every hour to relax and reflect on yourself. It helps the mind not go crazy, especially when you’re working on the eight-page research paper that you just started, but is due tomorrow.
6. Study groups
For those of you who just can’t function anymore because you’ve spent too much time alone, grab a group of friends to help you study. Group studying can be efficient and less stressful. Plus, you don’t feel like you are the only one about to fail.
7. Finals memes
Relating to finals memes on Facebook is a great way to procrastinate, but at the same time feel like you are getting things done. If you haven’t tried it yet, I recommend looking some up. Seriously, just Google them.
8. Papers
To be honest, writing papers for your class' finals can be a major blessing. It results in not having to stay late on campus for the holidays and you can check and double check that you’ve done it right. Unfortunately, if you hate writing or aren’t a good writer, writing papers can really blow and I wish you luck, my friend.
9. Final exams
Final exams aren’t as bad as they seem. Yes, they are extremely stressful compilations of everything that you have learned in the past semester, but they are a one-and-done type of thing. Just spend a few hours studying and don’t stress. Remember, finals is the last time that you have to encounter that professor.
10. Holiday music
If you are looking for a way to escape the finals world, pop in some headphones and blast the holiday carols. Nothing beats some time jamming out and rocking around the library. Not even continuous studying can top that. Taking the time to enjoy the holiday season around you can make everything go more smoothly and faster.
11. Home and the holiday season
But seriously ...
Good luck!