Growing up, I have always been extremely fortunate to have such involved parents in my life. My appreciation of them and my bond with them has strengthened immensely over the years. The older I have grown, the more I have realized that they are the best friends I have ever had. Here are eleven reasons why being best friends with your parents is awesome:
1. You never have to worry about not having someone to make plans with.
Your parents will most likely always want to take part in whatever activity you ask them to do. There is no shame in opting to spend a night in with your parents rather than going out...or even better, going out with your parents! (Although my extent of going out with my parents is usually the movies or the batting cages -- it is still the best though.)
2. They are your biggest fans.
My parents are without a doubt mine and my sister's biggest fans. From my mom being our Girl Scout Troop Leader, to my dad being our soccer, softball and basketball coach, they have both done it all. And how could I forget to mention the fact that they are the ultimate Dance Parents? My mom is always House Managing the theater for our productions, and of course my dad participates in the Dance Dad Dance-Off at our competitions. He may not win with his forward roll that probably made him tear his hamstring, but at least he tried.
3. They can expose you to good music.
My dad has always made sure growing up that my sister and I knew the legends. Thanks to him, my Pandora playlists are very well-rounded ranging from Peter Frampton, The Rolling Stones, The Cars, The Beatles, to Led Zeppelin. Don't get me wrong though, "Top 40's" is still a necessity. I can have him to thank for my Maroon 5 obsession as well.
4. Good food. I mean great food.
Duh? I mean come on, what is better than mother's homemade cooking? I am sounding like a huge mooch right now, but it is true. I do like to help out in the kitchen though. Some of my best memories are baking cookies in the kitchen with Momma and Sis (when she decides to help).
5. Family vacations.
I don't know about y'all, but my family vacations are the best. Some of my fondest memories in life are spent with my family traveling. If you are going to take a vacation, it will more than likely be with your family. It is awesome to spend quality time away, eating new foods, exploring new places, making new inside jokes and growing your family bond while doing so.
6. Family-friend fixtures.
My best friends that are actually my age are also best friends with my parents! It is just one huge family. Even if I am away at school, my best friend will just waltz on over just to hang out with my parents because they are also best friends.
7. Group chats.
The longest running (and typically most active) group chat in my phone is with my family. Sometimes we blow up each others inboxes, and sometimes we do not send anything in it for a week. But I can always count on the fact that when it does buzz, I can expect some type of embarrassing selfie courtesy of my dad, which always makes my day.
8. Trust and respect.
I am lucky to have the liberties I do in life; I believe those are so because of the deep and trusting relationship I have developed with my parents. Keeping them in the loop in the long run helps because honesty is always the best policy,
9. They are most likely just like you.
Finding yourself in life can be very confusing. Understanding why you are the way you are, who you want to be and what you must accomplish to be where you want to be is all a part of the wonderful life process. It helps to know that there are two adult figures which you more than likely share a multitude of common traits with. They can guide you in the right direction based off of their experiences. When they say, "I know what you are feeling because I was just like you at this age," do not instantly shrug it off as if they know nothing. I see myself in both my mom and my dad.
10. Traditions.
If your parents are as interesting as mine, they will have a multitude of places to take you along with stories to tell you. I thoroughly enjoy my family's little road trips and hearing all about how "back in the day this is was the hangout for us after Friday football games," yadi-yada-yada... They have passed down traditions to me that have become my own traditions as well. I know how much I treasure my present, and I hope some day my children will be willing to take part in my past.
11. Unconditional love.
They deserve your utmost respect and appreciation. They have raised you, cared for you and loved you. At the end of your childhood, they will have to do the ultimate hardest thing for a parent: let you go. My parents will always be my best friends; I can't imagine anyone but my family to have adventures and do this wonderful life with. Thank you for being my best friends.