If you're a college student, chances are you probably spend a lot of time worried about money as well. Since I've started college, I've learned that having an on-campus job gives you the best of both worlds.
Not only do you get paid for what you do, but most on-campus jobs are relatively simple and give you the chance to meet a ton of students and make new connections. I work in the rec center at my school, and I love it because it lets me work a fun job that also prioritizes my school work. Here are a few reasons why on-campus jobs are the bomb.com
1. You get to meet all kinds of people.Â
When you work on campus, especially in a job like mine, you get to meet tons of students and even faculty. I have met so many student athletes and other groups of students that I would most likely never have met otherwise.
2. Most, if not all of your co-workers will be the same age as you.Â
When you work a job on a college campus, you tend to work with other college students who understand your struggles. There's nothing quite like complaining to your co-workers about the 15 page research paper you have due that you haven't started yet at 6:30 in the morning.
3. You don't have to worry about getting scheduled to work during a class.Â
The great thing about on-campus jobs is that they almost always build your work schedule around your class schedule, so you never have to stress about having to work when you're supposed to be in class, which is definitely not true for a lot of other jobs.
4. It's a good way to learn time management.Â
Working on campus teaches you to prioritize work, homework, and other activities you may be involved in so that you're able to get done everything you need to get done and still have time left over to eat, sleep, shower, and maybe hang out with your friends occasionally.
5. It looks good on a resumé.Â
This is true for practically every job, but I feel like it's even more true for jobs you work in college because it shows that you were able to multitask school and work and still be successful.
6. It improves your ability to work together with other people.Â
At my on campus job, we rotate doing different tasks, and most shifts are run totally by students, including the supervisors for each shift. Not only has this helped me improve my ability to work with other people and make compromises, it's helped me get used to taking orders from people that are the same age as me.
7. It teaches you how to manage your money.Â
Most on campus jobs don't pay a ton of money per hour, so when an on campus job is your primary source of income, it helps you learn to prioritize what you spend your money on and make better financial decisions, which will definitely be a useful skill later in life.
8. It improves your leadership skills.Â
Not only do on campus jobs often require you to take initiative to get things done and make sure things run smoothly, but they allow other students to view you as a leader as well.
9. Sometimes you get to do homework while you're working.Â
This isn't true for my job, but I have plenty of friends that work in places on campus like the library and the tutoring center that are able to do homework when things are slow at work, so they basically get paid to make good grades, which is super cool and definitely a huge benefit.
10. You save money on gas.
If you work and live on campus, chances are you probably won't have to drive to work, and even if you do, you probably won't have to drive nearly as far as if you were employed on campus, which will save you a fortune on gas.
11. It's great for networking.Â
Whether it's through your bosses or faculty members at you university that you see often at your job, working on campus is a great way to meet adults that could be able to help you get a job related to your major after you graduate.