If you have never seen The Office please remove yourself from reality and watch at least three episodes. This show has actually made me chuckle out loud, and not the average exaggerated nostril exhale, I'm talking full blown laughter. After binge watching the first few seasons, I can't help but to see why this show happens to be so funny. It's an exaggerated representation of almost every average friend group. If you can't see it now let me break it down for you.
1. Dwight Schrute
The man has a bobble head collection and lives on a beat farm all while believing he is a real life Jedi. Everyone may have that one friend that is just a little to into fiction. The friend that is a little to serious about the Marvel Universe. The friend that maybe saw every Star Wars movie about 7 times. For some it might just be the guy who wont get off their Xbox, yet when they do all they talk about is Xbox. Their self confidence is based off their knowledge of amazing and crazy stuff that they actually know nothing about. They are flat out of there mind but there hilarious to pull pranks out because their reactions are priceless. Even though they have their moments when they make you question your friendship, it wouldn't be the same without them.
2. Michael Scott
Michael Scott the boss who doesn't know when to stop when they shouldn't have even started. This is the one friend the tries exceedingly hard to be the clown or simply to hang out. It gets to the point where you know the presence comes with a series of unreasonable and unacceptable jokes. Their aren't funny and always end up causing unwanted tension. Why they show up, you have no idea. Most of the time, laughter is directed at them rather then with them.
3. Michael Scott and Dwight's Relationship
This is the average suck up situation. The one friend who happens "run the show" and the one friend who is always up their butt trying to be the number 2. They won't leave their side, they will always laugh at their jokes, and their loyalty is clearly only with each other. It's like a clique within a friend group.
4. Jim Halpert
The one friend that acts innocent to the world but behind closed doors they let loose. The one friend who is always behind the trouble. If their is a chance to pull a prank. You know where to look. It's always fun and game with this person. It may get a little old.
5. Pam
Pam is the prime example of the one friend that is always having relationship trouble. Even when life seems to be going fine, they find something to complain about and make it a big deal. They cannot seem to be happy with a guy, their is always some hidden drama.
6. Pam and Jim, Dwight and Angela
The two friends that have a thing, everyone knows, but they keep it a secret. They are always flirting with each other and always are found together but neither one can just go out and admit it.
7. Stanley
Stanley is the prime example of the one pessimist that wants nothing to do with anything, They rather sit home with a bag of chips and be a couch bum. Something exciting, fun, and dangerous? Nope. Will they laugh at that amazing joke you just heard? Not a chance. Will they only look out for themselves? Yup.
8. Kevin Malone
Kevin...Oh Kevin. Kevin's the type of guy that you'll lose, only to find them around the food. Food is life. Food doesn't lie. Food doesn't cancel plans. Yeah, that person.
9. Meredith Palmer
Classic alcoholic. Always claims they are broke but is always seen with seven 11 dollar drinks in their hand. They never remember the night and always leaves with the ugliest girl or guy in the bar. Yet, they claim they slept with a 10 last night. Just stop and drink some water.
10. Ryan Howard
Ryan's the friend that tries to run the squad but nobody takes them serious. They did that one thing that one time and everyone knows him as "that guy". They'll never be top dog, but they will certainly try.
11. The Office
The office itself is essentially the friend group. No matter how much crap they go throw they will always still be a team. When push comes to shove and it's time to get work done, well yeah, they can't do that either. At least everyone has a good time, sort of.