Going into college barely knowing my roommate was a bit stressful. We picked each other after talking for only a mere few days. We had a lot in common but even that didn't settle my nerves. I had never roomed with another person, so coming to college was a bit of a change.
The first time I met my current roommate was a little overwhelming. I didn't know if she would like me! I guess she did because we are now rooming and we get along great. I couldn't ask for anyone better, hence why I am writing about 11 reasons my roommate is better than yours:
1. She brings me food. If I’m ever feeling down where I don’t want to go in public, or if I’m too sick to go out, she will come back with something to eat and not expect anything in return.
2. She helps me pick out outfits. If I’m ever having doubts about whether something matches, she is right there to assist me. Going out? She’s there for that too.
3. She motivates me. Doing homework can sometimes be overwhelming. It isn’t as stressful when your roommate drives you to do your best and to try your hardest.
4. She is always there to help me out. Whether it be with homework or household chores, I’m never left to do it alone. She is almost always available to give me a hand.
5. She listens to my rants. We all have rough days, but very few roommates would be willing to listen to complaints. My roommate is the opposite; she is always all-ears.
6. She doesn’t judge me. There are times I may do something weird, or a little out-of-the-ordinary. Instead of picking on it, she joins in on the craziness.
7. She cares about me. If I ever decide to go anywhere she will occasionally check in to make sure I am safe.
8. She doesn’t mind talking about anything. Late night conversations are a must in our room. We can talk forever about even the smallest of things. Boys, school, home, anything.
9. She understands me. We have a lot in common so it is rare to find a time where she is unsure of what I am feeling. She knows how to handle me at my best and worst.
10. She builds my confidence. My roommate always tends to compliment me, even if I’m not looking my greatest. It is a total confidence booster.
11. She is my best friend. I know I will always have her in my life. No matter what.