11 Reasons I'm Proud To Be A Hufflepuff
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11 Reasons I'm Proud To Be A Hufflepuff

Hufflepuffs get a lot of flack, but really, we're pretty great.

11 Reasons I'm Proud To Be A Hufflepuff

There’s Gryffindors who are brave. There are Slytherins who are cunning. There are Ravenclaws who are smart, and then there are Hufflepuffs. Hufflepuffs are usually regulated to the bottom of the food chain of the Hogwart’s houses from the famous Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling. They are considered to be too special, but as a Pottermore official Hufflepuff, I have to say that Hufflepuff is actually pretty great and I am incredibly proud to be a badger. Here’s why.

1. We treat everyone equally.

The Sorting Hat’s song, Hufflepuff's founder Helga Hufflepuff said, “I’ll teach the lot and treat them just the same.” We don’t care if you’re muggleborn, pureblood, or halfblood, we’ll accept you no matter what.

2. We stuck around to fight for Hogwarts.

After Gryffindor, Hufflepuff had the most students stick around to fight during the Battle for Hogwarts. Ravenclaw followed after us with the third most, while Slytherin had the fewest students remain.

3. We’ve produced the fewest Dark wizards out of any of the houses.

From Gryffindor you've got Peter Pettigrew. From Ravenclaw there's Quirinus Quarrel. From Slytherin, you've got too many to count, but can you think of any Dark wizard from Hufflepuff?

4. We didn’t have a lot of characters, but the few we did have rocked.

There’s Nymphadora Tonks, Newt Scamander and Cedric Diggory for example. Tonks was one of the big players in the Order of The Phoenix and a strong independent female character. Diggory was one of the competitors in the Triwizard Tournament in "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire." He was, according to Dumbledore, helpful, capable and a fierce friend. Newt Scamander is the author of "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them"within the Harry Potter universe. You might recognize his name from the new Harry Potter movie of the same name as his book. The only other Harry Potter character to have a movie made about him is well, Harry Potter.

5. We have the most total points out of all the houses.

Don’t believe me? Check the Harry Potter wiki. It's true.

6. Our house ghost is pretty great.

Most of the other ghosts and students are pretty dismissive of the poltergeist Peeves. They think he’s ridiculous and should be removed from the castle. The Hufflepuff ghost, Fat Friar, though, was adamant about giving Peeves a second chance in the first book. In the fourth book at the council meeting of Hogwarts ghosts, The Fat Friar voted to allow Peeves to attend the start-of-term feast. The Fat Friar has also been called the friendliest of all the ghosts at Hogwarts. He also got himself in quite a bit of trouble when he was alive for pulling rabbits out of the communion cup for giggles.

I mean, how can you not admire this goofy guy?

7. We have the best security.

Throughout the series, Harry got to see each of the house common room’s except for Hufflepuff’s. According to Hufflepuff’s welcome letter on Pottmore, no one has seen Hufflepuff’s common room in over a thousand years except for Hufflepuff students. To top it off, our common room is pretty snazzy too.

8. We’re also generally pretty nice and loyal.

Look at Cedric Diggory, for example. In the fourth book when everyone was wearing “Potter Stinks” badges, he asked his friends to stop wearing them. He did this because although Harry was his competitor, he was an all around good guy who didn’t want to be a jerk to his competitor and fellow student.

9. We have a play.

No seriously, it’s called " Puffs, or: Seven Increasingly Eventful Years a Certain School of Magic and Magic." An unauthorized parody written by Matt Cox, the play follows the story of Wayne Hopkins, a Hufflepuff. It premiered Dec. 3 at the Peoples Improv Theater in New York City. The official synopsis reads:

“Wayne Hopkins — a boy from New Mexico who is neither brave, smart, nor a snake — finds out he’s a wizard. Upon arrival at a certain school of magic and magic, he’s placed into the Puffs: a group of well meaning, loyal rejects. Over the next seven years, he’ll try to learn magic; try not to have his life ruined by his four-eyed nemesis; and try to not to get hurt in what is actually a very dangerous place to for unsupervised children to be. Sometimes he will succeed. Partially.”

10. We’re J.K. Rowling’s favorite house.

In a web chat back in 2012, Rowling said, “Hufflepuff is my favorite house in some ways. There comes a point in the book where each house has a chance to rise up to a certain challenge [she didn’t want to spoil it]. The Slytherins decided they’d rather not play, the Ravenclaws – some play, some won’t, but the Hufflepuffs stay to fight. The Gryffindors – compromised of lots of full hearty and show off people. The Hufflepuffs stayed for a different reason. They didn’t want to show off, they weren’t being reckless, that’s the essence of Hufflepuff.”

11. We are particularly good finders.

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