As strange as it may sound, not every college girl is head over heels to spend hours in a store. Don't get me wrong, I love coming home with new clothes, I just can't stand the process that goes into getting them, and here's why:
1. The overwhelming first steps:
First, walking into a store can be completely overwhelming. Do I go to the left? Do I go turn right? I finally can relate to Justin Beiber's "What Do You Mean?" after going shopping. I'm like a puppy in a pet store and I haven't even started picking up items.
2. When they don't have your size:
We all know how this goes... You get over the initial shock of walking into a store, and lay eyes on a shirt that's perfect for you! After looking through 10 different shirts, you find that the store is all out of your size. Sadly, you must shuffle away, and pretend like you're not super disappointed until it happens again.
3. Aggressive fellow shoppers:
4. Never-ending lines to the fitting room:
5. Fitting rooms themselves, 'nuff said:
The less time I spend in fitting rooms, the better. I don't know if it's the dirty floor, the God-awful lighting, or the cramped space, but I can't stand fitting rooms. I would buy everything I'm thinking of getting, try it on at home, and return the rest... But, that costs a lot, and I'm still in college.6. Trying on clothes:
7. Discovering a stain or snag:
After going through the extensive process of finally finding an item you love, and having it fit like a glove, you discover that your perfect item isn't so perfect after all. Somewhere along the way to being in your arms, this item of clothing got a stain, rip, or snag in it. OH THE HORROR when you discover that it's the last one in your size too.
8. Feeling like you'll pass out:
Ideally, stores would be like Costco, with food and drink samples everywhere. When you spend the day shopping, it's very easy to get cranky and tired when you haven't eaten for awhile because you've simply forgotten to. After about two hours of shopping, all I need is food, water, and a place to sit.
9. The check-out line:
10. The stress that is online shopping:
11. Being too young to hire a personal shopper:
Not being old enough, or wealthy enough to hire a personal shopper is such a pain. Wouldn't we all want someone who has the same body type to go out, pick out things you would wear, try them on, and bring them back to you? Being a college student doesn't allow for the expense that is a personal shopper. I can't offer money, but I would be more than happy to pay in high-fives and sarcastic comments.