I have a seemingly unpopular opinion — Hawkeye is my favorite superhero. For those of you who have only seen the movies, this point probably seems odd. Hear me out about the Clint Barton the comics taught us to know and love:
1. He's deaf.
For a lot of reasons, people are going to find this reason kind of silly. People who are deaf and hard of hearing need heroes too, and Clint is here for them. The movie universe hasn't really addressed his hearing aids, but the comic books don't ignore it. In "Hawkeye v Deadpool," they even have Deadpool signing for Clint and lifting his mask so that Clint can read his lips.
2. He started out a villain.
Another thing never addressed in the movie — Hawkeye was just a runaway who fell in with the likes of Black Widow. While they do make a nod to Widows previous criminal background in the cinematic universe, but they don't add that Clint was once her companion against the Avengers.
3. He has quite the interesting dating record.
Movie Clint is married with kids, but comic Clint — not so much. In the comics, he went after Black Widow, had a crush on Scarlet Witch, married and divorced Mockingbird, and even dated Spider-Woman. No secret wives on a secluded farm for comic book Clint.
4. He fought with the Justice League of America.
Marvel/DC had a special crossover series and guess who comes back from the dead? That's right. Hawkeye.
5. His sidekick is great.
So fun comic book fact — you will sometimes here Clint referred to as 'Hawkguy' by fans. This is because in the comics, Kate Bishop takes on the Hawkeye title as well.
6. He also has a dog.
Lucky may as well be a second sidekick. He even has a book written from his perspective.
7. Comic relief.
This is pretty consistent between universes — Hawkeye is in the movies for his one liners, and in the comics he is still the comic relief.
8. The Hawkeye initiative.
This theory isn't actually canon but it is a pretty great sensation from Tumblr. Basically, they take comic book women who have been drawn in sexual and unrealistic poses, and redraw them as Hawkeye.
9. He literally ran away and joined the circus.
That's where he got all of that archery training!
10. He was inspired by Iron Man.
While he was with Coney Island, he saw Iron Man and was inspired to become a costumed hero.
11. He is grossly underrated.
The movie universe has had every opportunity to give Hawkeye the spotlight, and they just haven't taken a chance on this gem.